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I wake up to the sunshine in my eyes. It burned as if dirt got in but it was worse. I looked around to see four bunk beds lined up against a wall, each one hold one of the guys. But one, one was empty.

I studied the three in the beds to see who was awake. I saw Neil's cute adorable face with his short blonde hair, Barry with his bald ass head and it looks like Adam. That means the one awake was Brad. I start to wonder why he's up but then he came trudging upstairs with a sandwich in his hand. He notices me sitting up and waves nervously at me.

"Hey princess. You get a nice sleep?" Brad seemed so nice. I honestly thought he was a mean guy when I first met him.

"Uh yeah, actually the best in weeks. Hey why are you eating a sandwich for breakfast?" He looked at me with that face you get when you get confused.

"What? What are you talking about? Its one in the afternoon. I was just about to wake up the others." Then he walked over to Barry and slapped him hard across the face. It sounded like some one slammed a paper back book on wood.

Barry shot straight up and he ended up hitting his head on the bunk bed above him which Neil was sleeping in. Apparently he hit it hard because Neil woke up with a jolt as well. Me moaned "not again!" And buried his head under his pillow while Barry rubbed his.

"I'm going regret this." Bard sighed as the other two yelled "Do it, do it, do it." Then he poured a glass of ice water on his chest and slapped him twice as hard then Barry's.

All of a sudden Adam sat straight up with his head down. He slowly turned his head turned towards Brad.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Bard kept on saying.

"Boy I'm going to get you, you mother fucking asshole!" Adam lounged at him and Brad dodged it as he ran. Adam chased him all around the bus as Adam said a bunch of curse words. He eventually jumped on top of Brad and just sat on him. That's all he did is sit on him.

I got to admit it was hilarious. "Now why the fuck did you have to wake me up from the best fucking dream I had." Adam screamed in Brads face.

"Because we arrived at the next town." Brad was barley able to talk.

"Oh really?" He shot up and looked out the window. He inhaled deeply then let it out fast. "Ah. Feels nice to be back in our home town." He turned around to look at the guys. "Isn't it?"

They all nodded their heads. I was honestly scared. I know now that I should never wake Adam up in the future.

Adam walked back to his bunk bed after minutes of looking out the window. "So I say we should go visit the old neighborhood." They guys all nodded their heads like they were hella scared.



So hey guys me again. I'm thinking of ending all of my books because not a lot of people read them and espessally the good ones. Also they are putting more things to think about and I don't need that. So I might end all of the stories.

Why Do I Love You - An Adam Gontier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now