Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.



I take a deep breath and open door as the person on other side knock for the third time. I smile slightly at Rauhan and Khadija and step aside to let them in. They sit on the couch while I take my place on a chair by a desk.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked them nervously. They look at each other and nodded slowly.

"We are fine. How are you? I am not trying to be rude, but what are you doing here? I mean last time Shaheer told me that you are going to move on in your life and forget about Aminah? You do know that today is her wedding, don't you?" Rauhan raised his eyebrow at me. I nodded and look down as I feel my eyes burning. I pushed all my emotions back and pick up the white envelope from the desk and give it to Rauhan.

Rauhan and Khadija looked at me confused, but I keep my face blank as I saw Rauhan opening the envelope and taking out the recent pictures of Aqeel doing smoking, drinking Alcohol and doing the wrong things with his ex that he bring at our company party. There expressions were a mixture of shock, anger and disbelief. I sigh mentally knowing that they probably think of him a good guy.

"H-How did you find all this?" Khadija asked me as she throw the picture of Aqeel and his ex on the floor.

"Aqeel is my manager..." I started to tell them about everything. What type of man he is and there will be a reason behind this marriage. I tell them everything I know about him and what Asim told me about Aqeel giving looks to Khadija and Zoya. When I mention that Rauhan face was red in anger and I know that he was trying to control his anger.

"Now I know it wasn't a mistake." We heard Khadija mumbling. We look at her confused and she confesses that Aqeel bumped in her and Zoya many times saying that it was a mistake but we know it wasn't. Khadija told me that she will talk Aminah before function and take pictures with her to show her as prove. Rauhan told me to stay here and if something bad happens, they will call me and tell me about it. I wanted to complain, but I know what they were doing is good for everyone now because if I showed up then they will definitely think wrong things about my appearance.

After they take proves with them, we bid our goodbyes and they left for Aminah house to talk to her. I sigh and fall back on bed with my face on the pillow. I turned around and ran my hand on my face tiredly and yawned when I saw the clock. It is 12 pm right now and the function starts at 7:30. I don't want to sleep, but soon my eyes started to drop. I give up and close my eyes to let the sleep take over.


"Come in." I called as someone knock on my room door. I looked up and frowned when I saw Khadija and Rauhan coming inside. 

"How are you?" Khadija asked, smiling but I saw something in her eyes. She looked nervous about something. 

"I am fine. What are you both doing here?" I asked as I motion them to sit. Rauhan chose to stand, but Khadija sits on my bed and look down at her hands.

"We are here to talk about something Aminah and it is important." Khadija says as she looked up at me with a serious look. I looked at Rauhan and raised my eyebrow when he held a package out for me. I take the white package and open it. I take out whatever in it and freeze as I saw Aqeel in the picture with some girl. 

"What is this?" I asked them as I continue to look through the picture. I look away when I saw something that I don't want to see.

"I know it will hurt you Aminah but this is the truth. Aqeel is cheating on you with this girl. He is not a good guy like you think." Khadija says making me look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Who give you this?" I asked Rauhan and he look down at Khadija. She nodded and look at me.

"Shehroz. Aqeel is his man-" She started, but I cut her off.

"I know Aqeel is Shehroz manager. I know everything but I could never think that Shehroz would do this type of thing. What did he say? That Aqeel is not a good guy? He drinks, smokes and had girlfriends? This is what he told you, didn't he?" I asked her raising my eyebrow. They both look at me shocked before looking at each other. They nodded slowly and look at me confused.
"You know all this and you are still getting married to him? Why are you doing this Aminah?" Khadija asked me and I sigh heavily.

"Khadija whatever Shehroz told you was all lie. Aqeel already told me where he works and I know about Shehroz Company. I know Aqeel for 2 years and he never does anything like that to me. If he wants to do then he would but he didn't. He loves me Khadija. If he didn't then he wouldn't come here and ask my parents to marry me. I told you everything happened then how could you believe all this? I still don't get why Shehroz is doing all this? Did he know I am getting married to him?" She nodded and look at Rauhan who was looking at his wife with a defeated look.

"Yeah, he knows about your wedding and this is the reason he come here but Aminah thinks about it. Shehroz agreed to move on then why he would come back and show us those pictures? He is trying to protect you Aminah. He doesn't want you to get hurt, that's why he is doing all this. Please think about all this once before you do something that you will regret." Rauhan says and Khadija agrees with him. I sigh and look down at the pictures in my hand before looking at them. I slowly nodded, making them frown.

"I will think about all this again and tell everyone about my decision soon." I told them. They nodded and leave from my room to let me think about all this.


Update! I hope you all like it and let me know what you think about this chapter. Next Update will be out soon (In Sha Allah). 

Thank you everyone for you sweet comments and prayers in previous chapter and sorry I couldn't reply any comment because I was unable to use internet but now I am officially back now and I will start updating again. 


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