Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23.


I hate her. I hate this motel. I rolled my eyes, mentally when I saw her standing in her place behind the table. I glare at her as she smiled at Shehroz when he went to return the room keys. I don't know why I am reacting like this on little things. I just don't understand myself right now. 

"Thank you for staying." She says and winked at him. He smiled at her and quickly walk toward me. I looked at him surprised and quickly recover myself when I saw him stopping in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you ready?" Shehroz asked as he sits in his car. I nodded and look out of the window. I don't want to think about it, but I couldn't help myself. I feel pain when this morning I saw Shehroz keeping distance from me. He didn't even smile when I say thank you, but only shake his head. I don't know what happened that he suddenly change his behaviour with me.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked me. I shake my head silently telling him that I don't want anything. "Are you okay?" I take a deep breath to control myself from snapping. 

"I am fine." I told him and after that he get quiet. I saw him, frowning from the corner of my eyes. 

I sigh mentally and rested my head on the close window. I know shouldn't react that way, but I couldn't control myself. I look at Shehroz when he slowly stops the car and pulled to the side of the road. I look out and saw a small diner. I look at him and raised my eyebrow. 

"I will bring something for us." He says and before I could protest, he get out of the car. I watch him go in there and fall back on my seat.

After 20 minutes, he finally comes back and handed me two bags with two large cups before he started to drive again. I look in the bags and there were some wrapped pancakes, egg muffins and hash browns. My mouth waters and my stomach growl loudly, making him chuckle. I feel my face heat up and tried to cool it down. 

After eating breakfast, Shehroz drives a little faster to get where we are going before the sun set. We were riding in silence and it was comfortable. He turns on the soft music and start humming to softly. I pulled my legs on the seat and rested my back on door while watching him with my half open eyes. He doesn't look like the person who he was when we first meet years ago in Pakistan. 

He look like he is changed. His talking, His behaviour and everything about him make me think that he is changing that I wasn't seeing before. Maybe I was so blind in Aqeel fake love to see how much he has changed. He says it was all for me, but I doubt it. I sigh mentally and completely close my eyes when I started to get headache think too much about him. It is not good for me to think about him. It is not that I still hate him. I just don't want to think about him or anything right now. I just wanted to sleep and that is what I did.


"How many hours I have to sit in this car?" I asked Shehroz. We were sitting here for hours and he didn't pull over to take some rest. Thankfully he was driving fast so I know we will be going to stop soon. He looks at me and grinned. 

"Only half an hour. We are almost there." He says making me frown. I look out and saw that we are passing some houses. It look a little familiar, but I couldn't tell. 

"Where are we?" I asked him confused. He shakes his hand telling me that he is not going to tell me. I fall back on my seat, glaring at him. He laughs at my reacting, making it different for me to keep my glare. I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

"Are we there?" I asked him after a few minutes. He looks at me and frowned. 

"No." I sigh and look out again. I saw as Shehroz started to drive fast again and my eyes widened when I saw a very familiar street. I swallow and look at Shehroz as he park the car in the driveway of the house. He turned to look at me and smiled softly. 

"Welcome home." I feel my eyes watered. I look at my home and smiled. We step out of the car and I wait for Shehroz to bring our bags. When he stands by my side, I notice that he was carrying my bags. I tried to get my bags for him, but he shakes his head and motioned me to walk. We walk toward the front door and ring the bells few times.

"Did you tell them about us coming here?" I asked him. He gives me a smile and shake his head. 

"No. I wanted to you to see their reaction." Was all he says before the door was open by Hira Bhabhi. She looks at us shocked and quickly step forward to hug me. I hug her back tightly and close my eyes try to keep back the tears. 

"How are you?" She asked after she pulled back. I open my mouth, but cut it off by Shehroz. 

"Look, I am invisible." Shehroz rolled his eyes playfully and chuckle when she lightly hit his arm. She step toward him and hugged him. I saw as he smiled at her softly and put his hand on her head.

"Let's get you inside. Everyone will be surprised." She told me after she pulled back from her brother and take me in the living room where I heard everyone voices. 

"Look who is here." Hira Bhabhi announce as she steps aside for me to walk in. I look at my parents and smiled at them. They stood up and look at me with wide eyes. I slowly walk toward them and stop in front of my Mom. I feel a tear slipping from my eyes as I hugged her tightly. I was scared that this may be a dream and I will wake up, but I was wrong when I feel her hug me back and heard her sobbing.

When I stood in front of my brother, I break down and hold on him as he hug me. I heard his comforting words, but it didn't help. It only caused me to cry harder. I missed him so much. He maybe get angry with me, but still he will always be there when I need him. When I finally calm down, I sit between him and Dad. I smiled at my nieces as they came forward. I give them a smile and kiss their forehead before looking around. My eyes land on Shehroz as he watches me sitting here. He held my gaze for a few more minutes before looking down. 

"Shehroz, come sit with us." Dad offered him, but he shakes his head.

"Um... Thank you, but I have to leave for somework." He turned down the offer politely. I could feel Usama Bhai tense beside me when Shehroz look at him. I look at them confused and decide to ask my brother later about it. 

"Okay, but you have to come for dinner and we are not going to hear any excuses." Mom told him sternly when he was about to argue. He looks at his sister and saw her giving him a look that I couldn't understand. 

"Okay, I will be here." His smile and give his goodbyes to my family before he steps back. He looks at me and gives me a smile and nod before turning to walk away but I didn't miss the pain in his eyes and it made my heart clench for him.



Update! I hope you all like it and let me know what you think about it.

About next chapter, it will be out in half an hour. I finally finish writing this book. I try my best to post the rest of the chapters today but I am not promising.

After finishing this book, if you want to read more about Shehroz and Aminah then I will write one-shot. But if you want to read something specific then leave you comment on Epilogue and I will post it in my One-Shot book.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to know when I will update or to know about upcoming books.

Instagram: proudtobemuslim1998

Thank you so much for your support. ☺


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