Chapter 11.

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I sigh silently and wait for him to come, but he didn’t like always. I am starting to get worried. I don’t know what is happening, but I do know that this all is happening because of Shehroz. He is making Aqeel pay for marrying me. I would never think that Shehroz would mentally torture Aqeel for what I did.

It has been a few weeks to my wedding with Aqeel and he is not at home before 2 in the morning. He went to work at 8 and come back at 1 or 2 in the morning. We didn’t get any time to spend together. I am getting angry and I know Aqeel is sorry for not coming earlier or taking days off. He told me at our reception that the company he works for holding a ceremony that is in a month and which is why he is going to be busy, but I didn’t think that he would be this busy that he couldn’t spend some time with me.

I look down when I heard my phone ringing and saw Aqeel name flashing. I quickly pick it up and heard him talking to someone on the other side.

"Aqeel?" I called confused when I hear some strange voices. I heard him, saying someone to wait before everything got silent.

"Y-yeah. Listen, I called to inform you that I wouldn’t be home for a few days. There is some problem and I have to go out of the city. I will call you when I get time." This is all he says before he hung up without listening to me. I frowned and think why he was breathing heavily.

I am angry for staying in here all these weeks doing nothing. Aqeel wouldn’t even let me go out without him. I know Shehroz is behind all this. He sent Aqeel to make us stay away from each other.

I have enough of his game tomorrow I am going to his office and ask him what he wants from me.


I sigh and shake my head before looking at her. I smirk and slowly walk toward her causing her to walk back. She stops when her back hit the wall. She swallows and look around for something. She tried to run past me but I grabbed her arm and pull her toward me.

"What did I tell you when I was talking to my wife?" I asked her. She looks at me and form a pout from her perfect lips.

"Not to do anything."

"And what you did?"

"I kissed you and I am not sorry for that. I love you." She smiled, making me smile softly and leaned forward.

"I know. I love you too." I close the gap and kiss her.


"Hello, Welcome to the Glam company what can I do for you?" An older lady on reception asked with a small smile. I smile slightly and take a deep breath before telling her.

"I want to meet Mr. Shehroz Sheikh."

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked politely causing me to frown. I don’t think I have to get an appointment to meet him but then again why would he accept me to come here. I shake my head, making the lady frown. "I am sorry, but I can't let you meet him without appointment."

"It is important. Can you at least tell him Aminah wants to meet him." I tell her. She was confused, but nodded. I am not going back from here without talking to him and asking him the reason. I saw as the lady picks up the phone on her desk and dial a number. I keep my face blank as she listens to the other side and glance at me.

"Okay." She hung up and tell me to take the elevator up to the floor that held Shehroz office and some other office of his employees.

I walk in the elevator and press the floor button. When the elevator close I sigh heavily and close my eyes. I don’t know why I am doing all this I know I have to because I didn’t stop him today then he will ruin my married life. He is going to do something that makes me regret not talking to him. I didn’t hear the ding or the elevator opening but I did hear his voice. My eyes shot open and I swallow nervously as I saw him standing few steps away with his hands in his pocket and a smile on his face. I get angry looking at his calm look like he didn’t do anything.

"Are you going to stand there?" Shehroz asked me to make me look around to see I am still in the elevator. I quickly walk out and pass him making him take a few steps back.

"I want to talk to you." I tell him. He nodded slowly and the smile he had early gone away from his face. He leads me in his office and close the door behind him after I stand near his desk.

"You can sit if you want." He offered, but I shake my head and look around his office slowly. It was good with gray walls and black furniture. This is something that suits him because it describe his dark look on his face right now as he sit on his chair behind the desk.

"What you want from me?" I asked him directly not talking about anything unnecessary. He raised his eyebrow and leaned forward to rest his hands on his desk.

"Nothing." He shrugged like he didn’t care. I tried to calm my anger, but the way he looks careless make me blurt out everything.

"Then why are you doing all this? Why are you making Aqeel stay here late for work and why did you send him away? If you want something then tell me but don’t bring Aqeel in between all this."

"What are you saying? I didn’t do anything." He says, confused while standing up. I glared at him for looking innocent.

"Don’t try to say that you didn’t know anything. I know that you are behind all this. I think you would let me live my life after knowing that I am married but I was wrong. If you think that doing this would break me and Aqeel apart, then you are wrong. I won't leave him and come to you for you to take any advantage." I ignore the way he has slowly come toward me. "Don’t think that I would let you enter into my life and let you do something that you did with other girls in past."

"Shut up!" He shouted, slamming his hand on his desk. He looked at me and I saw his eyes burning with anger. I tried to take a few steps away from him, but he grabbed my arm and pushed me back, causing me to fall on the chair behind me. I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed the armrest of the chair to keep me in place. I open my mouth to say something, but he cut me off but holding his hand up.

"Don’t you dare to say anything again. You know nothing what happened in my past and you have no right to judge me. Whatever I did, you know because I was betrayed. I wanted to make people realise what it is like when they were cheating on their partners. And don’t you dare to bring Zoya in this because I was drugged when all that happened." I saw as he leaned backward and pushed me away from him.

"I am not doing anything to make your and Aqeel relationship work. I don’t even know what you are talking about. I give him holiday for a month to let you take on vacation. I didn’t ask him to come here and work late or didn’t I send him away. He is lying. If you want to prove then here." He picks up the file and pass it to me. I frowned and open it to see what is inside. I feel my eyes widened when I saw  the application from Aqeel to take leave. I don’t know if Shehroz is doing this on purpose or saying the truth.

"If I want to take your advantage and make you mine than I could do that long time ago. It wasn’t hard for me to track you down and take you away from everyone where no one about us but I didn’t. I want you to believe me. I want you to know that I am changed, but you didn’t give me a chance."

I look at Shehroz when his office phone ring. He looks at me before walking over to pick it up. He exchanges a few words before hanging up. I put the file back on his desk and saw as he move around to take something.

"I have an important meeting. If you want, then you can leave or if you want to know more about Aqeel leaves, then ask the receptionist and she will tell you. She have my permission to tell you anything." He says and look at me last time before he turned around and walk out. I frowned when I saw pain his eyes before he leave.

I stood up and walk out of his office to go down and ask about Aqeel.

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