chapter 2: when you fall you get back up

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Every year mum and dad go in one car, and me and Luke go in the other. It's normally not that bad being in the car with him as we get along ok.

This year though Blake is with us.

Fun! (not)

this means Luke is a bout ten times more annoying.


"just shut up!!!"

I tell Luke and Blake they have been singing little kids songs for the past ten minutes and I'm sick of it already

"but its fun"


I say putting my headphones in to block out their continued singing of twinkle twinkle little star. Gosh they are bad at singing.

About 4 songs later they finally stop.

"you can come out now liv" says Blake pulling out my head phones out of my ears and interrupting my spotify playlist.

"hey! I liked that song"

"to bad we want do something fun and your cramping our style"

says Luke.

"like what? I ask curiously Luke's definition of fun is normally quite different to mine.

"you'll see when we get there" says Blake and they both smile at me mischievously

To be honest I have never probably seen the bad side of Blake. Normally when I see him its at school or at my house but their are almost always teachers or my parents around. I've never seen him at the parties that Luke goes to because I've never been to those when he was there.

But I guess Blake has a bad side.

It would explain why him and Luke get along at least.

"earth to liv" Luke says waving his hand in front of my face.

"were here"


I slowly open my car door and cautiously step outside into fresh air.

I stand in front of what used to be a beautiful playground but now overgrown grass reaches up to about knee length.

Moss covers the slide.

Dirt and grime on the seat of the swing.

And a large concrete wall covered with colorful graffiti.

Memories come back to be right then and there.

"Come on Liv come play on the slide!"

a 12 year old Cassie's voice rings out.


I say in my squeaky 9 year old lisp.

She pushes of from the top .

Her hair flows out behind her and she squeals in delight as she whooshes down the slide.

She stands up and runs back up the steps for another go.

As I follow her up I slip and slide back onto the concrete grazing my hands and knees.

I start to sob.

"Hey hey Liv its ok"

she says rushing to my side.

She wipes the tears from my check and takes my hand.

"Do you know what you do when you ever fall Liv?"

"You get back up and try again"

and she holds out her hand to help me up.

I don't know when I started crying but when I am pulled out of my flashback by Luke's voice tears are running down my checks.

"Liv! What's wrong"

He says running over to me.

He comes and puts his arm around me.


"Me and Cassie used to come here all the time when we were little" I choke out through my sobs

Luke pulls me closer but doesn't say anything.

"We made so many memories here it just sort of hit me we can't make anymore."

"Oh Liv"

he whispers.

I wipe the tears from my checks and take a deep breath.

"its ok, I'm ok now"

I says slipping out from Luke's embrace.

I see Blake standing a meter away from us and concern flashing behind his bright blue eyes.

"maybe we shouldn't do this"

he says his eyes focused on me.

"maybe we could just show her"

Luke suggests

Blake hesitates for a moment as if considering if he should say what he was going to say.

"do you think she will remember last time?"

he finally says.

Luke glances in my direction.

"lets just go"

we drive for about two more hours before reaching our house.

When we arrive I can't help noticing a car I haven't seen before in our driveway.

"who's car is that?"

I ask pointing to the cool black land rover.

Luke and Blake exchange a glance.


Blake says

"who's that"

my question is answered when a brown haired boy walks out of the house.


authors note:

hey guys sorry for the short chapter i'm packing to go away for the holidays and i don't have much time to write.

i promise there will be an update soon

p.s i'm sorry for my bad spelling i will be putting these first chapters through spell check when i have time

see ya next chapter!

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