chapter 8: concussion is hard work

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my eyes ficker open to a bright light shining above me.

i groan and turn over in the bed my head hurts. wait... my room doesnt have thoose lights...

i sit up quickly and scan the room im in. what how did i get in the hospit... the memories of laser tag come back to me.

"oh im gunna kill that little asshole" i say refeering to the guy who knocked me over.

my parents walk into the room with cups of coffee.

"oh sweetie your awake thank goodness" my mum says hurrying over to me and sitting on my bed.

"how do you feel honey" my dad states.

"my head hurts"

"ill go get the nurse" my mum walks out of the room quickly.

"im gunna go tell the 5 boys plus abby currently freaking out that your ok"  dad says chuckling


thats all i get to say before they rush into my room.

blake, luke, Jackson, abby and Al run in.

luke gets there first and pulls my into a hug

"thank god your ok" blake says grabbing my hand tightly and rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

"dude she was bashed against a wall and has been out cold for 2 days she might be a bit sore" Abby states pushing luke and blake away and sitting beside my bed.

"how are you Livvy" 

"ok" i speak but it comes out as a small croak.

"do you want me to get you water?" i nod then wince at the movement. abby gets up and hurries out of the room closing the door softly behind her.

"you had us all worried liv" jackson says taking abbeys place

"i thought you were.." 

"i know but im here now" i smile gratefully at him but my eyes are drooping tiredly and thats when i notice another boy standing awkwardly by the door. i frown confused i dont know him unless i really did hit my head hard.

i sigh and snuggle down into the covers.

ugh concussion is hard work.



1. i know i havnt updated!!!!

2.i know this chapter will take u like 3 secounds to read as its really short!!!!

i know and im sorry 

im taking a little break from this story  aka 2 weeks

i have a new story idea and im going be uploading the first few chapters very soon!!!

details will be up soon hope you are excited as i am!!!

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