chapter 10- yes, that is me, I am asshole

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i've been trying to sleep for the past hour and its just not happening.

i sigh and reach for the book mum left on my bedside table earlier today, womans weekly...great. not to happy with the reading matarial i burrow back into my covers and reluctantly start to scan the first page.

the door opens slowly and I look up from my magazine to see Blake making his way to the chair beside my bed.

"how are you, Livvy" he says taking my small hand in his large one.

"I'm fine" I whisper my voice croaky. he sighs and carefully slides into the bed beside me. I lay my head on his chest and he looks down at me.

"you don't have to lie to me sweetheart" he says softly.

"im fine really" i inform him flashing him a weak smile. he smiles back at me but I know doesnt belive me ,I can see faint sliver of worry behind his blue eyes.

"wait, how did you get in here visiting hours ended an hour ago?" i say confused.

"well..." he starts "I may have convinced Al to distract the lady at the desk so i could sneak past here and come see you" he smiles cheekily.

"what! Blake but what if they catch you!" i say trying to be angry but come on...its hard to stare at his face and stay mad when hes just so incredibly adorable.

"well ... it was worth it" he states entwining my fingers with his.


"because i got to see you" he smiles at me shyly. at that ladies and gentleman, is how you win a girls heart.

 i lift my head to kiss his check. "you're so cute" i say grinning at his response. 

he kisses my head softly and wraps his arms around me.

"get some sleep livvy"

i snuggle into his warm chest . this time i fall asleep in secounds.


I wake up to an empty hospital room.

which I actually find reliving considering people have been fussing over me non-stop since I was brought here. the hospital staff wanted to keep me here a bit longer until my concussion is completely gone, so hopefully, I can leave here in a day. I cautiously slide my legs over the side of the bed until I feel my feet touch the cold floor. I walk over to the window to the left of my bed and pull back the thin curtains with my bandaged hand. the view is almost complete darkness, except for the couple house lights scattered here and there. looking at the clock above me I see its almost 2 am. well that explains why no one is here. 

I hear the door creak behind me and jump in surprise at the unexpected noise. I see an unfamiliar boy look at me sheepishly.

"hi,"  he says nervously shuffling from one foot to another as he stands in the doorway. I frown at him until it suddenly clicks

"hey! your asshole" he looks at me confused for a second before cracking up laughing.

"yes that is me, I am asshole, but if you want you can call me ass for short asshole can get a bit annoying to say after a while"

"my names actually jordan i'm not really keen on the name ass"

he chuckles but stops abruptly after he sees me glaring at him. I just wish that my glares could turn into lasers and burn a hole through his head.

"whats up with you...oh wait I sort of knocked you out and gave you concussion didn't I" he chuckles nervously , running his hands through his hair looking anywhere but my eyes.

"yes that is you, you are guy that gave me a concussion," I say grumpily mimicking his comment for earlier.

'listen Liv the reason I am here is to say that I am really sorry about what happened back at laser tag and I hope you can forgive me"

"sorry doesn't make everything magically ok again, do you know how much worry you have put my family through"

"please just tell me what I can do to make it up for you" he says his eyes pleading, I can't really blame him for what happened because, to be honest, it was probably more my fault than his since I should have been looking where I was going, plus I do have a common theme of walking into things. seriously i swear that pole came out of nowhere!

see, a boring person would have told him it was fine, that wasn'this fault. but his offer intreges me...

and i'm, not a boring person...


authors note:






btw this chapter is dedicated to @vetackroyd because she has made me continue this book by basicly annoying me everyday untill i did :)

anyway...i hope you liked this chapter even though it is short and comment who you ship liv with.

see ya next chapter!

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