chapter 5: if only he knew

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Since we were only 17 and not 18 they could only lock us in a cell until we found an adult to bail us out.

I take my phone out of my pocket to see about 5 missed calls and a text from luke saying

'where the heck are you?!'

"I'm sorry liv I shouldn't have suggested we do this" Jackson says looking at me.

Dam even if I was mad seeing those eyes I'd probably forgive him in an instant.

"are you kidding seeing those stars was so worth it" I lean against the wall and smile

"so your not mad"

I shake my head

"were going to have to call your parents you know"

Hey says truthfully

"I'd rather my parents not know about this" 

he frowns. "who else can we call?"

I pick up my phone and dial a number. The person on the other end picks up and starts talking straight away.

"hey liv how you going oh and where are you your brother called me to ask if I knew where you were"

"uh well about that you know how your 18"

"yes I am aware of my age"

"could you uh come bail us" there's silence on the other end.

"what! liv how did you get arrested and who with" she says loudly almost screaming into the phone

"just answer the question," I say impatiently

"answer mine" that's my friend for you extremely stubborn I think rolling my eyes

"Jackson and I got arrested for trespassing"

"ooooh Jackson I don't know a Jackson is he hot" she starts excitingly

"Abby can we stay on topic please"

she sighs before speaking "I'm coming right now ill be like 5 minutes but I better hear details about this Jackson guy later"

"ok" I say as I chuckle. The call ends.

"so are we going to get out of this place"


he grins. "who's the lucky person"

"my friend Abby" he nods and leans back against the wall.

"what," I say as he looks at me strangely.

"there's something I need to tell you"

he says it calmly but it's hard to tell what emotion the words are spoken with.

"what is it," I say nervously.

he opens his mouth to speak but in that moment I hear Abby's voice and footsteps approaching our cell. "I cannot believe Liv Elliot the goody two shoes has just gotten arrested," she says amusement in her voice. as she stands on the other side of bars.

"how did you do it"

she says turning to Jackson.

"do what" he replies confused.

"get her to actually leave her bed and do something fun"

Jackson laughs "I didn't really give her a choice"

she chuckles her bright orange hair bouncing as she walks over to the police officer that is watching us from a distance. She's probably signing our release papers. A second later the same officer comes over and lets us out "there will be no charges pressed but I can't say the same if this happens again" he says sternly letting us past him.

"go ahead and unlock the car I'll wait for Abby," I say to Jackson as we approach the door he nods and I walk over to where Abby's signing the last of our papers.

"well done" she whispers in my ear as we start to walk.

"what for getting arrested"

"no for landing Mr hottie"

she says motioning to where Jackson stood to leaning against his car.

"huh what no we're just friends"

"how can you be just friends with him" she scream whispers

"what do you mean"

"well firstly I'm pretty sure his guns have guns"

"secondly his face looks so yummy I would print it on my birthday cake" I laugh at that one.

"and thirdly he's so into you" my mouth falls open in surprise at the last one.

"ok I'm not disagreeing on number 1 and 2 but no number 3 is totally not true"

"come on Livy just admit you like him"

"shut up we are just friends nothing more and anyway I like Blake" she rolls her eyes

"oh yes sorry, I forgot I mean you only mention him about 100 times each day I mea.."

I glare at her .she sighs and shuts up. I quickly walk up and get in the car before she starts talking again. Jackson starts the car and I wave goodbye as we drive down the road.

" I know we agreed not to tell your parents but should we tell Luke?" I think about it for a moment before nodding.

"if we don't tell him, first he'll ask us non-stop then he'll give us the silent treatment until we Tell him"

he nods in agreement and we pull up into the driveway. dinner was obviously finished because as soon as we pull up luke and Blake run out to us.

the first thing Luke does is hug me. Which catches me by surprise ,I thought he would be pissed? he pulls away before shouting. nethermind...

"where the heck were you guys we were worried sick that something had happened to you!!!"

"ha that's a good story," I say nervously

"hmm we better go inside" Jackson adds.


let's just say Luke did not take the news that well. Luke predictably immediately blamed Jackson.

in fact, he punched him when he found out. Blake was mad for a bit but easily forgave.

Luke, on the other hand, stormed out of the room and stayed out for the rest of the night.

me Blake and Jackson watched a movie.

Jackson won paper scissors rock and is now making us watch one of the most boring movies I have seriously ever seen. 10 minutes in I fall asleep.

when I wake up I'm being carried upstairs. My eyes flicker open slightly to see Blake's (very hot) face peering down at me. He smiles at me and I sleepily smile back then he carefully places me on my bed and goes to walk out. he pauses by the door.

'Liv" Hey says but not turning.

"yeah," I sit up and turn to look at him.

"do you like Jackson or something?" he asks.

"no we're just friends why?'

"just wondering, night liv" he closes the door behind him and I hear his footsteps walking down the hallway.

Just before I fall asleep I chuckle to myself.

If only he knew.


authors note:

hey guys!

sorry for my short chapter. let me know in the comments what you thought Jackson was going to tell Liv :) 

I promise I'll update soon.

see ya next chapter!

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