Family (Ka-Juk), the two words to which I am most thankful for, giving me encouragement [~ Pt.Eleven~]
My 3rd grade teacher in high school, Jeong Yuk Kyeong, is someone I will never forget. Because I was a trainee at YG, I slowly attended school less and less. It slowly got to a point where it became unbearable to go to school, but my homeroom teacher believed in me and my dream. He went to the principal and asked him please make the best of the situation. Due to my homeroom teacher’s help, I was able to successfully graduate from high school, and to become a member of Big Bang.
If someone believes and helps them, maybe kids won’t grow up as a bad person. When I see kids wandering on the streets late at night, I think back to when I didn’t know better. Those who rebel against their parents and teachers, using cigarettes and alcohol to numb their reasoning, going against the world, my two eyes are poisoned with my own memories.
Children who grow up with a hard childhood are the same as a sick person. They might be thinking “I’m in so much pain and suffering, but no one’s here to take care of me”. To those who are in need of a doctor to cure life, please
tell them “It’s ridiculous to live your life like this” and “Your pain can be healed”. Not long ago, I was admitted to the hospital, I was thankful to the “family” that I had forgotten about. How I got to be where I am today, is all because they believed in me and love me.
It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to my family with warm words. Not because I don’t want to, but because I feel that if I express it, it’ll be awkward and a little unfamiliar. Although my mom would come to our dorm twice a week and prepare food for us, but because of our busy schedule it’s almost impossible to bump into her. While staying at the hospital, for the first time in my life, my mother and I talked for the entire night.
At that time I thought about many things, about the love my family gives me and how much they missed it. It was bigger and warmer than I’d thought it was. Because I was sad so I never said it, I regretted not being able to express what I felt in my heart. From then on, I would call my family a few times a day or send text messages. No matter how busy my schedule, communicating with my family is not longer a “troublesome work” but instead “a valuable time to recharge myself”.
Although it’s something ordinary, but because we’re together, it’s valuable. When I’m hurt or tired, the people standing by me are my family. Don’t rank them second because you’re closest to them, but your family should always come first.