Chapter 18

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Normal POV

Lucy's at the bar talking with Mirajane. I wonder what they are talking about? While, Natsu is rampaging at the other side. Chatter is in the air. But, a midget with a big voice started to shout and then, all were silenced. You all know who that is.

Master's POV

3 hours ago..

I'm at my office, doing the usual. Paperworks. But, something caught my eye. A letter? Hmm.. I looked to who it's from. No name huh? I opened the envelope and saw some pass there. Free entrance passes to the beach with a reserved villa. Nice one Makarov. A pat in the back for me. I'm so lucky today. Hee-hee. I know! Since the Grand Magic Games is coming up, I might as well train them there. What a good plan!


"Anatatatachi! I have something to say to all of you. Me and the GMG participants will be gone starting tomorrow. But, even though we're gone. Make sure you don't make a ruckus. Okay? And, those who will participate in the GMG, go to my office this instant!!" 

(P.S. Anatatachi means y'all)

"HAI!!!" they all replied.

I was inside the office when I heard..

Natsu's POV

"Gramps!! U never told us anything about thissss... U should've told us sooner."

"Why is that?"

"I didn't even pack. ;-;"

"You numbskull. I only found them in my desk a while ago."

"Aw ok."

Silence was in the air. Until Gramps decided to break it.

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