Chapter 8: The Mission

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Lucy's POV

"Come on Luce...~ Join Team Natsu." Natsu said while I'm drinking my strawberry smoothie. "For the hundredth time, my answer is still no so don't bother asking me Pinky!" I yelled. "It's not pink. It's salmon." he said. "Hmp.. Do you think I care? It's just color anyway. You're so childish." I said. "Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Erza and Wendy, come to my office this instant!" Master yelled. We ran towards Master's office. Then, we saw...


"Gramps! What are they doing here?!" Natsu asked. Master didn't answer. "Honey! It's good dodged and then shivered and dodged him.

"You look beautiful, Lucy-chan." Hibiki said as he winked at me. I just ignored him. "Ehem." Master said which caught our attention. "I called all of you because you will have a group mission." Master said. All of us groaned. "Master, what is the mission about?" I asked him politely. "Hmm.. Lets see. It's about a very powerful mage that kills villagers and destroy villages. The mission will be held at Clover Town." Master explained. All of us just nodded. "Ikuso!" Lyon shouted. "Hey!You stole my line!" Natsu complained at him. "Oh. Sorry?" he replied. 

At Christina...

" So Lucy-san, can you be my elder sister?" Eve asked. "Sure." I replied. "Ugh! Can we just walk?" Natsu complained as he started to vomit. "No! Stop complaining." I shouted. Everyone stayed quiet. "By the way, where is Lisanna?" I asked curiously. "She went on a vacation with here friend." Gray explained. "Oh I see." I replied. "We're here but we need to find a place where we could land." Hibiki said. "Finally!" Natsu shouted. "Shut up!" I yelled as I jumped out. "Hey! Are you crazy?" Lyon yelled. I didn't answer him and landed perfectly on the ground.

"I'll meet you guys later!" I yelled. "O-Okay!" they shouted in unison. I ran and ran until I reached the town. After 1 hour, we reunited and head towards our hotel. We unpacked our things and explored the town. After a few hours of entertainment, we heard an explosion nearby. We ran towards and we saw...


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