Chapter 22

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Lucy's POV

Good old days. I sighed. Wait, I think I'm staying here for too long. I went out and got dressed. I looked at the time. Oh sh!t, it's 6:55. I hurriedly got my bag and chanted, "Hirake Tobira, Fairy Tail" I went inside and found myself in our guild.

"Ohayo Lucy-san" Someone greeted me.

"Ohayo Mira-san" I replied. A few minutes later, I realized something. The guild opens at 10 and it's just 6:57.

"Mira, why are you here? You're not participating in the GMG, are you?" I asked.

"Oh, Master invited me tho.But, I'm not participating and training."

"Is that so? Okay."

We waited for the others to arrive. Gray, Erza, Natsu, Master.

"Let's go now, Master!" Natsu said excitedly.

"Patience, brat. We'll wait for your other teammate. Don't worry it's not Lissana. It's-"

Wendy's POV


I was walking around the guild after chatting with Romeo Conbolt. He's one of my friends. I talk to him when I feel bored. Anyway, I was walking around when I saw a crying Lissana and Master. Did she confess to him and fail?! :O. No, I must not jump to conclusion. I walked towards near them to hide.

"Why child?" Master started

"Because-" Lissana was cut off by Master.

"Hold on, I think there is a presence nearby. I'll check it out." When Master said that I knew I will be seen. Gotta go, slowly but surely. I tiptoed trying not to make any noise. Luckily, I succeeded. I can be now a ninja T^T. After that, I decided not to do that again and went to Romeo's table.

After an hour.

I had fun with our conversation. But, it's time to go home.

"Wendy~ Master's looking for you!" Mira shouted while running towards me. Oh crap.

"U-Uh. B-Be there in a sec." Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this. I walked to Master's office.

Inside the office.

"I see you're here." Master calmly stated. "Well, Lissana backed out from the GMG and I think you will be the perfect replacement for her. Do you want to join, child?" He asked. My eyes twinkled at the thought of that.

"Hai! Arigatou Master." I replied.

"All righty then. You are now dismissed."

Outside Master's Office

Time to go home now! But, someone grabbed my wrist. I tried to attack her but, she started to speak, "Wendy, come with me." Oh. It's just Mira-san. We went outside the guild. "I know this is sudden but, I'd like you to do this." A smile was forming on my lips as she whispered more and more.


7:12 am

I was running to the guild and saw them waiting for me. Oh no, I'm late. "Minna-san, I'm s-sorry I'm late." I said between pants.

"So, there we have it. Wendy will replace Lissana. What are you waiting for? Let's hit the beach!" Master said as he hopped inside the van. We all did the same.

Normal POV

Wendy and Lucy remembered that Natsu has motion sickness. Can he overcome the ride? Or will Lucy will just cast some magic stuff on him.

Inside the van..

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