My Problem

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For this subject, I want to test my readers and have them answer this readers question. Mainly, because I should be studying now.

Dear Kat,

For a while now, I have noticed strange things. I appear very bright and am in AIG classes. I have a very high reading score and have always been ahead. Lately, my instrument has become hard to play, because I confuse notes and for years, I write the same word over (I.e. I went went to work.) Also, left and write and up and down gets jumbled up in my head and affects my dancing and I've been behind, especially in math because it mixes up in my mind. I can't even do nine times seven without my fingers! I think I may have dyslexia. Should I see a doctor or tell my teacher or someone else? I tried to tell my mom, but she doesn't believe me.


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