Every shrink i meant before harlene quinnzel thought i could be fixed ... even by electric shock therapy which no.. it wont fix a damn thing just make it worse where memories get harder to rember.... but what i do rember the most is my father... my family you see weren't family of the year.. but that is to be excepted when you live in a place of copurtion . My father was one of those examples he was a drunk.... would beat me and my mother for no good reason at all the only time i ever saw that man smile was when i was eight and we went to the crianvial .. all i wanted to do was make him smile lets say after the next day he came home drunk and nearly beat his own son to death and almost killed his wife ..my mother being the scared woman she was went for a knife my father doesn't like that not one bit...that was when the start or my true self came out.... he had a knife he took from my mother.. laughing while he did it i was frozen its when i first realized there was no right or wrong...only the madness that a person chose not to show...the darkness that is in every human being everyone had it the killer inside of them as for me maybe i always had it more so then anyone... As he is laughing while he does it... he turns to me and says "why so..serious son" Of course what that drunk bastard didn't know was.... i took a knife as well from the kitchen table....during all this as he came at me with the knife ... all i hear is voices in my head the first time i ever herid them...lets say hearing them... was the best thing that ever happened to me all i herid was"kill him make him pay he doesn't disrive life" in my mind he didn't i got more broken bones by him in one whole week... and i wasn't about to stand for it anymore i snapped and when your pushed over the edge boys and girls.... when you go down that rabbit hole there is no coming out of it hahha! what happened next felt like time stood still as i stabled him in the gut i wasn't sure how many times i did.... all i herid was my mother calling my name..."jack!! jack oh jack what have you done.." pathetic woman but she was my mother what i didn't realize was my father actually got what he wanted her death my mother was a hyronie addict but one thing i knew was she cared for me....she always took his side what i subjected surprised me to this day as i held her.. her limp bodies in my arms...there was no justice for her thats what i learned that day...."jack...stay strong...i love you" her cold hand on my cheek as she died in my arms i saw the Gotham police show up i didn't know it then but this was the first time i would meet Jim Gordon who knew the effect.... of my life or turn shall i say it would have,before he came there before they got inside i used the knife to put my mother out of her misery and put a smile on her face... ironic dont you think this was also the same night Bruce Wayne's parents were killed... as Gordon came in i was so weak back then"hey kid/...its alright.." i wanted to stay with my mother i just droped the knife....first time i tired to protect someone...Gordon continued to talk"tried to protect her did you...huh..?" i didn't respond... he sighs then says to his partner"lets get the kid outta here..."little did they know who i would actually become oh this is juicy.0r was i 13 wait yes 13 i was im older then Bruce Wayne memories are like bugs they dont go away......but im sure you cant wait for more...
(thought the dark knight upbringing made scene of the abused father photo up above is a young Jared leto will go back to the original story once i have some ideas and added a suicide sqaud twist to this..)

the joker origin story volume: 1: dark begings
Фанфикthe joker's past in the pov of view of the mad man himself..goes all the way to the began of how he became the joker and his descant into madness... and insanity