chapter 18: Iceberg lounge And Entrance Of Joker

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Now what i did know for certain impression was everything in the underworld that and fear if you showed you meant business meant what you say by action, after all actions speak louder then words kiddies . And I in deeded to make a hudge impression on Gotham's criminal underground, and bealive me everything i had planned for Gotham got me where i am today you see. So i can't wait to tell my good old fans my rise to power! ha ha! 

A yes the story right, back to the good stuff so as crane pulled up to the iceberg lounge i looked at the famous place  for the first time with my own  eyes it looked pretty blade no color but a lot of people were pilling in  like   fish in a barrel ha fish in a barrel get it! Anyway i knew i deferentially get stares not that i cared one bit , i was here for business and i meant to do this right or things would get messy if you catch my drift. The bouncers seemed to be checking for guns at the door great that made me feel on edge but i spouse i had to play ball for the time being. I  didn't like being  striped of my weapons crane glared at me as we went to the front of the line the bouncers stopped us"crane who the hell is this freak??" crane held me back and looks to them calmly as always typical."i wouldn't get my new business partner angry his known to be quiet how do i put might be found in the gutter."i smirk   my smile without the grill you all know for me now. the hudge bouncer looked scared of me already as he said"make sure he doesn't start any trouble " I salute while laughing loving every moment of  this i was a gitty as  a school girl  for my entrance  would be grand i knew it!"awe what fun is in that and im here for business."i wave one of my gloved hands"so let us pass" As he let us pass by him, and i walked besides crane as he said to me"your gonna make a show of this aren't you??" He asked me i smirk wildly"yes johnny boy you got that right! lets make me look good!" he sighs chuckles as we opened the doors to the ice berg lounge.

  As soon as we entered the room jaz music playing i saw all the criminal elements look at me there eyes wide and there eyes were on me. i saw penguin he didn't regonize me  i stood next to crane as he walded toward us more was like it ha!!."crane who the hell is? .."i cut him off glaring at him"i thought this was for criminals am i right im new in town you see crane and i have a common interests so.. in other words im a new business partner."i give a sly smile. i saw selina and ivy looking shocked at crane. Penguin glared at me i saw fish and the mob watching me even everyone had there eyes on me!Thats extaully what i wanted even guns for hire and the man i was soon to know along with his cousin,whom you ask?? none other then rocko himself he was sitting with a few men that would be  mine in the future my men but lets not get ahead of ourselves folks!!! As Oswald walked close to me"what do they call ya clown freak!" something burned deep inside of me i had my walking stick i hit him in the gut some grew wide end cause during this time penguin was the king of Gotham. and i couldn't wait to prove myself i saw fish staring closely at me"what ya call me penguin?is what they call ya right??"i started to laugh mocking him then continued  as i spoke his men aiming there guns at me .Oswald held up his hands stopping them."What is your name clown?" I smirk making the joker card appear in my hand putting it over my eye, for dramatic effect of course right! makes sense  anywho!"my name is none of your concern..  im called the joker...but i allow that or j" i smirk then offer him my card"my card hehe!!"i couldn't help my self he took it"And crane your guest is this guy should of known he looks like a clown" i laugh like he was a joke i found everything funny now"oh me a clown!!?damn right i am but not the  annoying ones a kids parties.. and ill soon show you all why..cause it seems all your balls fell off know why? the batman?has shown  Gotham your true colors and now you all coward in fear." gamble got up a mob boss"enough from the clown!what the hell ya want" i was in the zone now no turning back!"Is that why  you all have a group sessions sometimes in board day light hehe pathetic" As one of his men went after me as i put a pencil on the table"want to see a magic trick! im gonna make this pencil dispear" i knew he was behind as i slammed him hard putting the men  eye through the  pencil killing him instally as he drops my feet  as i fix my bow tie"tayda its magic!"I smirk watching the man die, death by something you write with how funny is that!?"Now i am here to hire some special men ya see to leave my mark on this flith of a city! so tell me who wants to do business or just  wanna fuck with me again" i laugh loudly everyone stared i saw crane smirk a little. I saw Rocko stare at me and got up"hey j is it..?" i look to the tall man"what kind of work..." I smirk at the soon to be loyal men i would have working for me"buy me a drink and will talk.." i look to moony and the others with a wide grin,moony looked at me impressed"excuse me ya got ball kid.." i laugh at the comment as i say"id think i got big ones... miss.moony  excuse me i got some hiring to do.." i walk off with rocko as crane is getting yelled at hehe how amusing all well , i had business of my own.

the joker origin story volume: 1: dark begingsWhere stories live. Discover now