chapter 8:entering the underworld-working for the mob

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Believe it or not finding fish Mooney was easy with all the dirty cops.. and corruption in the city, The most amusing thing is i even meant the riddler  and coperpot as jack and they  don't know to this day that it was me ... As i started working  for them as a call boy fish seemed very interested in my progress... through mentioning to me to trend careful cause lets say  big tony and his nephew and folocni's cousin didn't like me..  on how skilled i was...but now that i look back i didn't care as long as i got the job down..sure Jennie asked questions why i got home so late and where the extra cash came from...i noticed a change in me...the darkness i stored away in that cage was begging to come out when i worked...with the mob it came out more and more.. fish knew the kind of person the kind of world i was born into... in a way she talked to me... she found her own creation penguin always wanted  something ether her dead or wanted the cops to arrest her"tell me did you find out if its a girl or boy.." she seemed to have ways with people since she was a meta i was couscous with her....i rather not be the end of the power  she had when i was normal then ugh what a terrible weak thing to be mind was always racing just not as much as it is now.."boy..."i said.. finding out the other day... i was happy about that and i knew Jennie like Harley now wanted me to be careful...she smirks then says"dont you worry hunny i like your style one day you never know you will change things i bealive..." how right she was i didn't know what she meant then but if i did boy i would.... of said she was crazy back then... but now i see  she saw it ...she must of jobs ranged as i went  on they were impressed ... they knew i was the man to call to get things done and then when i finally.. got the job of being in the red hood gang ...boy the money was more then enough... i wanted to save it for a house... to get everything Jennie disrived little did i know how wrong i'd be or what would happen but today i was to meet Johnathan crane... as you all know scare crow which you'll find out in the next chapter... my dear fans we weren't always on the best of terms...hehehe you'll love this i know this.. but if i am to tell my tail of my descant into pure madness i have to try to rember everything... well whats important to rember  to me ...hehe ether way my story will always be one of a kind...

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