through looking the part was gonna be easier said then done... i asked crane to borrow his car not that i had any car then and he personally didn't care but seemed to want to come along he asked me"where are we going actually" i smirk to him laughing i drove recklessly getting him nervous"awe dont be a stick in the mud... i need a new look and unfortunately that involves going to the mall for that.." he looked at me serious.. i knew the bat was out and smirked then said"don't you worry ill get what i need and a tattoo gun and other things... ill also need a custom weapons and some of the ace chemicals" he smirks back he knew i thought things out"always knew you were smart j... you have an idea... "i nodded grinning now this was before my teeth were knocked out...or i knew who batzy really was i should of known through all well... as we stopped in back of the mall he looked at me handing me a gun with a silencer on it"i assume you don't want the bat knowing about you yet..." i smirk taking it"thats right im gonna be the best show men in Gotham...i assure you of that" i graped the empty duffel bag that i would put the stuff i needed or wanted in it..i quickly got out as i picked the lock to the back door and went inside with him... i went in most expensive stores getting colorful dress shirts ..rings ..golden chains i went through clown stuff with ease took some of them that had purple or green in it and squirting flower ,bang have to custom them myself...dark red lip stick i took a few... found a tattoo gun took that more playing cards a switchblade i would customize to fit me....heheh of course... crane watched me when i saw some leather jackets the one that stood out was a purple one.. i took it even took a purple like mob hat anything i could get my hands on i took half of knifes and a pistol it just needed a custom job then it be prefect, then finally i took a purple and gold walking stick and some spray paint..."OK lets go crane" he nodded once we got back i did the three tattoos on my face... the damaged one was first-for one reason alone i was damaged no reason to hide it... the next was the j tattoo then the star then my chest i did the joker one with a smile on the bottom of it , then the jester one the one on my fingers of card symbols all except a heart then the card one on my neck which mind you doing it on your self is a pain in the ass... once done i whipped the blood off..what a thrill jack naiper would of hated them but they fit the new for the lip stick i took one out as i put it on... and looked at hair was in my face i actually got hair gel when we were there i took it out and gelled my hair back what Gotham knew me for.. i got out the deck of cards .. put some of the rings on my right hands ,putting on purple dress pants and a belt i made extra pockets in all my jackets..for weapons.. and had a gun holster..just basic..nothing too fancy i took out purple glove i smirked at them they were leather always loved leather as i put on the colorful dress shirt, and a vest too.. and put on a tie with it i put the holster on put the switch blade in and the cards... i had to have a sinqure weapon and i knew just the things i put my dress shoes on and one of my purple jackets wasn't the leather one but fit this outfit well i had to make my own...gang my own secret weapon and you all know what that weapon was my laughing gas hehe ..i fixed the bang gun so it would fire actually bullets after it comes out with the flag id use this tonight and use the other when it was finished once i got out of the bathroom i was holding the cane i even carved the jester like symbol into the top...hehe i was gonna steal the show.."int rousing the clown of Gotham"i bowed laughing crane smirked at me.."what now?" i smirk i needed a place...of my own to start with.."i need a place that screams me..." he nodded and snapped his fingers"i know the prefect place..what else" i smirk twrilling around my cane"i need a chemistry set and barrels from the ace chemical factory..i have to have a secret weapon dont i" he nods why he was helping me was obvious we both were crazy... in our own ways and he wasn't fond of the mob..."then were gonna see the place next,then chemical factory i need my special toy done before i get a gang" he nods crossing his arms"does this make us..allies..or business partners or friends" i smirk starting to laugh"a bit of all since i know you wont open your mouth on who i am.. now lets go see my new place"i laugh like a madman oh wait i am!! the joker was finally born now to get started... oh how didn't i know the effect i'd have on everyone even people outside of Gotham ..that id be the most feared murderer of all time... hahha .. and my journey to getting there is one of a kind i assure you of that..

the joker origin story volume: 1: dark begings
Fiksi Penggemarthe joker's past in the pov of view of the mad man himself..goes all the way to the began of how he became the joker and his descant into madness... and insanity