When i finally became part of the red hood gang for the mob i was foolish enough to feel a seance of accomplishment..of course i killed before... my first kill as you all are aware was my father.. they gave us red masks or were they helmets not sure they were a pain in the ass to see out off and the fear from people i loved it the mob was helping feeding my ego...more and more... i didn't even realize it then we mostly would steal from banks or get money from anyone who owned the mob money...which was too easy for me... i wasn't like the others... and i think the mob was scared of that the most cause i alone could make someone fear me no problem even before i was joker.....guess i was more like my father then i thought i was but i always tried to hide it from my wife i didn't wanna show the monster i was slowly but surely becoming i didn't want her to leave me...in this cruel world alone.... it seemed like a normal day for me when we had a fight i hated fighting with her... i didn't want her to leave me i knew i couldn't do this for ever ... the mob... least of all to Jennie. when they called me in i wanted to say this would be my last job..or ask if it could...so i took a deep breath looking at folconi"sir.. i need to ask something...?" He turned around Mooney looked nervous to me like she knew what i was about to ask and begging me not to.. i look at him" i was wondering if this could be my last job..." he started at me and got up shaking my head" jack ... jack jack.. you have such skill why would you want to quit" i look down.. didn't ask to become like my father...or Jennie i feel like i was letting her down..."but however...alright i suppose we could... just do this last job come back at eight aclock we need you for this job so you can lead us in the ace chemical factory" i was shocked why there of all places..."we need to steal something and you used to work there... correct..?" i got nervous... but replied" yes sir...i know every itch of the place.." he smirks and pats my back"then you'll help us with this last... job then your off the hook" little did i know he ment your gonna die.... Jacky... hehe

the joker origin story volume: 1: dark begings
Fanficthe joker's past in the pov of view of the mad man himself..goes all the way to the began of how he became the joker and his descant into madness... and insanity