Now its about to get juicy... the only plan i had is go to the mob themselves and get hired by them... i already knew how they worked my father always owing them money... i knew how they killed and how they ruled Gotham through fear back then that is...when i had no where else to turn ... least did i know there would be a price .. there always is a price that is the joke my friends as i entered the club where fish Mooney rezlied besides her was coperpot little did he know i'd eventually be the feared one the most feared in all of Gotham and awaken the darkness in Gotham sending a new level of madness and criminal..they all never seen!! how ever back to the story as i walked up to Mooney.. the mob then all hanged here...she looked me up and down.."how did you get in here...young man" i smirk.... i snuck in back then i could trick anyone even how i do now with my car tricks....maybe i was always meant to be the joker ..any who... she walked up to me... i was nervous..but detrimned as a card appeared in my hand..."a simple shuffle of the deck..."she smirked she seemed to know what i did"you snuck in using a trick...brave and bold you got skill .." the mob nodded as the leader looked at fish"fish bring the man too me...." At first i thought he was gonna kill me for tricking his best men but i saw him smile..."now i know your face anywhere....but to make sure tell me your name..." i looked up at him straight in the eye...unafraid it threw him off hehe"jack looking for a job...i need extra cash..." they all looked at me... amused"you'll have to prove you'll worth you'll be a call boy to start out with from there if it works out we want you to be in the red hood gang...but tell no one what your doing" i knew how this worked i had to lie... to Jennie i nodded i was so naive they knew who my father was.... i didn't even cross my foolish mind.. it should of but it didn't i needed the money i needed it... what chose did i have back then none.... then again some of you might of thought i could of backed out back away from it....but now now once you make a deal with the mob you keep have no chose you cant back out and that was my foolish mistake...thinking it will get better....stupid foolish jack naipier...."we start tomorrow jack" falconi told me as i walked out.. through i had that bad feeling i dismissed downfall my creation was coming sooner then i thought it would...

the joker origin story volume: 1: dark begings
Fanfictionthe joker's past in the pov of view of the mad man himself..goes all the way to the began of how he became the joker and his descant into madness... and insanity