We did it! (A/N)

51 3 1

Hey guys! We Finally got to 1k likes and 100 votes! You guys are the best readers ever. This was always my goal. But I have some thing to tell you guys...

I'm quitting Wattpad

I just fell really obligated to list and as much as I hate to admit it, I am growing away from my dolls. I just can't do it anymore.

I'm really sorry.


I'm just kidding. And to celebrate, I will be having a...


So, tell me what you guys want. I'll probably let someone create a character to add to th e story, or let someone wrote a chapter. Just tell me what you want to do. I'll take all of the people who have voted and read the book and put them into a hat, and pick one. Tell me what you guys want. Also...

HAPPY NEW YEARS! I'll be on a plane today (So if anyone can record P!STD playing th at would be great, even though I'm going to their concert on March)

"The Way She Walked" A Calita fanficWhere stories live. Discover now