Chapter 9 James

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James ran into the hospital room. Rebecca was lying in the pure white bed. Her Short brown hair was smashed against a soft pillow. Her eyes were closed in peace. Her once beautiful skin was covered in scars. James looked around the room. It seemed like she was connected to every machine in the room.

"Rebecca wake up!" Rain cried out as she ran over to the bed. "Please!!" James didn't move. He didn't know what to do. All he wanted to do was embrace her in a hug he would never release. But she wouldn't feel his presence. She wouldn't know how much he truly cared. "Please!" James slowly lifted his feet off the ground. He felt like a ghost as he walked over to his friend. Rain was crying like there was no tomorrow. James looked at Rebecca. He couldn't believe she was here suffering. Unable to move her body. Unable to tell everyone what was wrong.

"This is just wrong," Rain cried as she grabbed Rebecca's pale hand, "This is cruel and wrong." James looked at the floor of the hospital. The pure white tiles were pure and clean. It was a horrible place for anyone to die. There was no color, no hope, no peace. Nothing but a blank slate.

James closed his eyes trying to remember her smile. Her ice-blue eyes that shone in the darkness. The chocolate brown hair that was always perfect. And the last time he saw her.

She was alone. Sitting on the school bench. A notebook in her hands. Her short brown hair waved slightly in the breeze. James slowly walked up to her and looked over her shoulder. He didn't know what she was writing, and before he could read she shut the book. He saw only a few words. May 16th, 2015

12:02 P.M.

"What's that?" James asked as he sat next to Rebecca.

"Just a letter to someone." She said softly. James nodded and looked ahead at the street ahead. The cool Saturday breeze refreshed him as it blew. The trees swayed slightly in the wind. The sky was ice- blue. The most beautiful color James had ever seen. That cool saturday evening was the last day he would ever see that color.

James opened his eyes. The hospital was still there. It wasn't a dream. Rebecca was truly hurt, and this time James knew he could do nothing to help. 

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