Chapter 26

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Rebecca set the letter down on her desk and grabbed her backpack. It was filled with a change of clothes, books and a bundle of money that she had been saving. The world outside was dark as she opened her door, careful not to let it whine. Sometimes she wondered if the squeaky hinges were a security system in houses to prevent kids from sneaking out. As Rebecca tiptoed past her parents room she could barely breath. Her lungs refused to take in any oxygen as she walked. Her eyes began to water. What was she doing? She was going to hurt them so horribly.

"I love you two." she whispered as she took her first step down the stairs, her hand clutching the railing for life. As if the only thing holding her up were that one long slab of wood. Rebecca quickly made her way down the stairs and approached the tall door. She had walked out of it so many times before, but never before was it a looming threat. On the outside of this door was a world that she didn't have to step into for a while, and she had no idea if she would ever walk back through these doors once she left.

The metal knob was cold beneath her hand as she twisted it to unlock and open the door. It was dull outside, the rain splattering on the concrete. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drip. Drop. rebecca took a step into the darkness and closed the door behind her. There was no going back anymore. Rebecca looked out onto the dark street. The streetlights creating a dim path through the rain. Slowly Rebecca made her way through the growing storm. Everything in her body was telling her to go back and never leave the safety of her home, but her mind told her to continue. She had to.

After a long walk through the rain, Rebecca reached in bridge where she and her friend's secret base lay. Rebecca reached into her pocket and found the crumpled letter and her phone. One more goodbye. Rebecca quickly ran down the steep hill next to the bridge down to the flowing river. The storm had grown worse as she walked through the rain. She could barely see was lay in front of her anymore. Rebecca set the letter in the mailbox they had built next to the river. She could only hope they found it. Thunder rumbled through the sky loudly. 1, 2, 3, thunder boomed again through the sky. It was too close for her liking. Rebecca turned away and shielded her eyes from the rain as she made her way up the way she had come. She slid down the hill from the mud. Great.

Rebecca tried to climb the hill a few more times, but all she gained was jeans covered in mud. Rebecca slowly made her way back to the river, she wanted to go home. Please let me go home. Please. Rebecca flinched as she stepped into the river, it was making her even colder. "Please let me go!" Rebecca screamed through the rain. Slowly she walked through the water, her feet felt numb in the water. CRACK! Rebecca froze when she heard a sound. "Please help me!" She cried as she grabbed her phone from her pocket. As she made her way through the river she typed in her password and clicked onto phone. 911. Fear was traveling throughout her entire body as she walked through the rain. CRACK!

Cold, so cold and wet. Where am I? Rebecca pushed her hand to the surface and clunge to a piece of wood that was wedged between a rock. Her breathing was ragged and harsh as something landed onto her back. Rebecca struggled to get onto her back and saw wood covering her body. Something had fallen on her. Rebecca tried screaming, but no one would hear her through the rain.

Please god, help me.

May 17th, 2015 

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