Chapter 21

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James slowly walked down the hallway of school. His parents had forced him to go to school today. As he walked into his LA period he saw all of the eyes follow him. James had been the center of attention in most classes, everyone curious about how he was doing. Everyone asked about Rebecca, wondering if she had tried to kill herself. Other pretending to be sad over her leaving. Some said that it was time to move on, and James hated them for it.

As James sat in his seat near the back, his mind traveled to Rain. She hated been in good shape since the incident with the phone password. She had been far away, further away than Rebecca had been ever. Rebecca had always been quiet and reserved. When she pulled away People noticed, but always thought she was thinking. When Rain pulled away, everyone knew that there was something wrong. However, she refused help, saying that she was fine, and would be better when Rebecca got better. If Rebecca got better. If another word James loved more than anything. A false hope, and a false giver of pain, because isn't everything an 'if'.

"James I am very glad you're back, but the counselor office needs you." Mr. T said softly as he tapped james' shoulder. James nodded and stood up slowly. Once again the eyes of his classmates followed him out of the room. They felt like lasers as he walk. Lasers out to watch his every move, and judge whether or not to strike.

James could hear his footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. The sound resonating through the room. The pale green tile floor stare up at him as he walked. All he could look at was the smooth surface.

As James turned into the office he saw his father standing there waiting. His eyes were dull with pain. James froze, what happened? His heart was beating a mile a minute as his father held up a letter. James followed His father into the room where the counselor was waiting.

"Let's wait for Rain." She said softly, her blue eyes filled with compassion and caring. James nodded and held his head in his hands, running his hands through his thick, greasy, brown hair. When was the last time he had taken a shower? James had no idea, maybe the last time he saw Rebecca.

I had taken a while for Rain to get to the office. Her cheeks were already streaked with tears. James' Father had told her to calm down for a while outside. When she reappeared in the room she still had tears in her eyes. James reached out for her hand when she sat down. When he had, she reached for it like she was drowning and James was the only thing still floating.

"Did you know Rebecca Stevens?" James' dad said softly as he stood outside the door. Who was he talking with? "Will you come in here?" James turned around in his chair to see a boy with dirty blond hair stepping into the room. His eyes were dull and confused. Why was he coming in here? Did he really know Rebecca? James watched him, trying to think of what his name was, but nothing came to mind. The boy was taller than James from the looks of it: he was at least five foot eleven while James was five foot eight. He had deep blue eyes and a strong figure.

"Son, what's your name?" James' Dad asked as he motioned towards a chair.

"Jesse Mane." His voice was dull as he spoke, leaving James wondering how well he had known Rebecca. James saw his father write it down in his clipboard.

"Okay, how did you know Rebecca." James' dad asked softly, controlling his voice in order to keep Jesse calm. Rain Squeezed James's hand when Jesse froze.

"She was my... friend." His pause before friend left James confused. His father speaking James' next question.

"How close?"

Jesse thought for a moment, meeting James' eyes. His eyes yearned for help. Why?! Why are you here?! How did you know her? Why are you thinking? "She was, no, she is my girlfriend." James tensed up when he heard the words. 

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