Chapter 22

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"Hey" Rebecca jumped when hands softly touched her shoulders. She spun around to face Jesse. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, but if you've forgotten i haven't seen you since winter break."

Rebecca rolled her eyes as she looked into his deep blue eyes. "You saw me two days ago." Her voice was barely a whisper as she began to walk down the hall, Jesse falling into step beside her.

"Yeah, but that's still a long time. I wanted to see you again." Jesse reached for Rebecca's hand. Rebecca rolled her eyes as she slipped her fingers in between his.

"And you also saw me all of today." Rebecca added as Jesse pushed the large school doors open for her. Jesse didn't say anything to her remark, he just looked deeply into her eyes.

"Let me see you wrists." His voice was soft as he and Rebecca walked to a bench right outside of the school building. Kids were streaming out of the doors as they sat down.

"My wrists are fine, what are you talking about?" Rebecca's voice caught in her throat. How did he know something was bothering her.

Jesse leaned in close, his forehead touching hers. Their breath mingling. "Rebecca," he started softly, "I've known you since 7th grade, and have been dating you since ninth grade. I know you. Now let me see you wrists." Rebecca looked into his deep, concern filled blue eyes. They took her to space, a place where nothing seemed to matter anymore. Reluctantly Rebecca set her wrists in Jesse's upturned hand. He slowly peeled away the Gray jacket sleeves covering the wrists. They were covered in red marks slices. Some were healing slowly, while others were new and puffy.

"Rebecca," Jesse's voice was barely more than a whisper. Rebecca looked away when his voice cracked. She couldn't bear to look into his deep blue eyes. Chances were they were filled with tears. "I can't take it anymore, I need you to get help."

"You're help enough. I feel like someone near you." Rebecca could feel the warmth of his body from beside him. The cold winter air wasn't enough to hurt her near him.

Jesse gently grabbed Rebecca's face and forced her to look him in the eye. His blue eyes were filled with pain. "I don't care," rebecca flinched as a tear rolled down his cheek. She really did hurt everyone she was near, "I want you to smile the way you do with me, with everyone. I want you to stop hurting yourself." He held up my wrist to show Rebecca. She flinched. "Please let me help." Rebecca nodded slowly and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could his lips were on hers. Rebecca jumped in shock, but didn't pull away.

When Jesse pulled away he wiped a tear that was falling down Rebecca's cheek. "I won't tell anyone yet. Not yet, but you have to promise not to cut yourself again. Promise?" Rebecca nodded, her mind reeling with thoughts about Jesse. Can I be near him forever? He makes me feel human. He makes me want to live. Maybe he's the reason I should keep living. Rebecca opened her mouth again to speak, but Jesse seemed intent on keeping her quiet. His lips touched hers softly before standing up. Rebecca stood with him and smiled. He's one reason to live, but my others friends are good reasons too. I can't stop how i feel, but i can give myself reasons to live.

January 9th 2o15

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