Chapter 1

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"Marie, please be careful. The roads are slick. Please call me when you get home"

"Shawn, baby I'll be fine. I'm leaving work now"

"This winter storm is no joke. I'm serious Marie be careful. The meteorologist has predicted at least two inches per hour"

"I know baby. It's pretty scary but I'll be careful"

"I don't have a good feeling about this. The snow is coming down so fast and the roads are barely visible. Listen, I'll come and get you just stay put"

"Shawn, you're already home it doesn't make sense for you to come back out and besides you have Kennedy. It's too cold to bring her out"

"Marie I-

"Baby, I'll see you when I get home"

My husband is a piece of work. He's so overprotective but I love that about him. I know he's worried about me but I'll be fine.

"Mike I'm going to head out before my husband has a heart attack" I said to my boss. Everyone was pretty much gone with the exception of a few of us.

"Be careful Marie. Those roads are no joke"

"You sound just like my husband. With this weather who knows when we'll be back at work. Guess I'll see you around" I laughed jokingly. I grabbed my belongings and headed to the parking garage. Shawn wasn't lying about the weather. As soon as I drove out of the garage, I was met with snow covered streets and heavy traffic.

Thirty minutes had passed and I had only moved an inch or two. I cranked up the heat and waited patiently for traffic to move.

"You asshole" I screamed at the driver who had just cut in front of me. I sighed in aggravation, all I wanted to do was get home to my husband and child. I looked at my dashboard; the time read 6:25 pm. I knew there was no way in hell I would be home before 7.

Another hour passed and I had finally made it to my exit. The roads were slick and covered in snow making it nearly impossible to drive. I couldn't see. The snow was falling at a rapid pace and my wipers couldn't even keep up. I decided to pull over and call Shawn but he didn't answer. My guess, he was giving Kennedy a bath after dinner. I silently cursed him for not answering.

With no other option, I kept driving. The snow had now turned into a mix with rain turning the snow covered ground into slush. My tires screeched when I made a sharp right turn. I said a silent prayer when my car slid.


"Mr. Carter, your wife is in critical condition. She suffered some nerve damage and a lot of head trauma. We will monitor her progress but it doesn't look good" Dr. Wyatt said honestly. I tried to remain optimistic. I wanted to believe that my wife was going to be okay but things weren't looking good. I turned to my wife's parents and embraced them.

"Oh Shawn, she's going to be okay. You just gotta have faith" Marie's mother Justine said.

"It's my fault" I cried

"It's not your fault son" Her father, Larry said as he consoled me.

"She called me but I didn't answer. She tried to reach me but I wasn't there" I broke down for the first time in four hours.

"You were taking care of your daughter, she knows that" Justine whispered.

"If I would have just been there-

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