Chapter 14

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My eyes fluttered open as Omari placed gentle kisses on my collar bone. I smiled widely and giggled softly.

"Wake up beautiful" he said smiling back at me. His warm and bright smile caused me to feel giddy inside. I rolled over to my side and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He chuckled and pulled me on top of him.

"Stop it" I giggled as he began tickling me.

"How did I get so lucky"? he asked while looking up at me. I was sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped around his neck.

I chose to ignore his question because I honestly felt guilty. He wasn't lucky to have me.

"How did I"? I mumbled against his lips.

"You're perfect" he mumbled back.

If he only knew

Our make out session lasted about thirty minutes before he went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast while I showered. Since it was Saturday and I had nowhere to be, my attire was very relaxed. I settled for a pair of black leggings and a white tank.

"Something smells good" I said as I wrapped my arms around Omari's waist. He was cooking toast, bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"Why don't you come out with me and the boys tonight? Their brining their girls' it will be fun"? Omari asked as he fixed our plates.

"Uh no thanks" I frowned.

"Kelly is going to be there" he coaxed.

"Even more reason for me not to go"

"What happened between you two"? he asked as he sat my plate down in front of me

"We just don't see eye to eye on a lot of things"

"Like what"? he asked with a raised brow.

"Just girl stuff" I said not wanting to divulge into too much information.

"Oh" Omari while biting his toast.

"I would really like it if you came with me B. I mean everyone is bringing their girl" I could tell that Omari really wanted me to go. It

would be the first time in years that he and I actually went to a club together.

"I don't have anything to wear"

"All those clothes B, you have something" he frowned.

"If you want me to go, I'll need something new" I smirked.

"B is that really necessary"?

"Yes baby" I said placing a kiss on his lips.

"Fine. Take the card"

"Thank you baby" I got up from the table and sat on his lap. "You're the best"

"So I've been told" he smirked. I playfully hit his chest and removed myself from his lap.

"By the way, I invited Shawn" he said smoothly. I swallowed hard. Was this some type of joke? He's the one that wanted me to have nothing to do with him.

"Why"? I asked curiously.

"Well he's part of the team babe. We sold a huge property the other day and Shawn contributed. It was only fair. It's not going to be a problem is it"? he asked with a raised brow

"No babe. I told you our friendship is done" I said honestly. I was sure that I ruined any chances of a friendship after the kiss. I hadn't seen or spoken to Shawn since then, which was four days ago.

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