Chapter 7

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"Girl you okay? Why do you keep staring at your watch"? Kelly asked. The two of us were sitting in our cubical. Her desk was right across from mine.

"uh- yeah" I lied. Honestly I was anticipating my lunch dat – meeting with Shawn. It was only 11:30 o' clock but since he had joked about me running late I wanted to prove him wrong. I don't know why I was so anxious about meeting him again. I had practically talked to this man every day for the past week.

"You sure because you keep looking-

"I have a meeting at 12:30. I don't want to be late" I said cutting her off. I didn't want Kelly in my business. Telling her that I was meeting Shawn would only intensify her suspicion. She already thinks the man has a crush on me.

"Oh really with who"? she asked with a raised brow.

"An old friend" I lied.

"Details" she yelped with excitement. Did I forget to mention that Kelly doesn't have a man?

"Nothing to tell". I said looking at my watch. It was now 11:50. I should probably leave so I can beat him there. I grabbed my jacket, purse, and keys and got up from my cubical. Kelly's eyes were literally burning a hole in the back of my head.

"You're such a horrible liar" she said as I walked out the door. I turned around and gave her a slight smile. That girl knows me all too well.

I smiled in delight as I pulled up to the restaurant 10 min early. Since I had some time to spare, I checked my email, talked to my sister, put on lipstick, and fixed my hair. Once I was done the time on the dashboard read 12:45


I gathered all of my things and rushed into the restaurant. When I got there I saw Kennedy and Shawn sitting down in a booth. I silently cursed myself for not coming inside as soon as I arrived.

"Late" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment.

"Hi Kennedy" I said to the three year old.

"Hi" she said as she colored

"I'm not late for your information" I said taking a seat across from he and Kennedy

"My watch says otherwise"

"I got here early but I- nevermind I don't owe you an explanation" I said playfully

The waiter came to our table and handed us a menu. I already knew what I wanted since I always order the same thing at every restaurant I go to.

"What do you have a taste for"? Shawn asked.

"I always get the same thing. A chicken Caesar salad and a water with lemon" I said proudly. Displeased with my answer, Shawn frowned.

"Are you on a diet or something"?


"Then you're not getting that"

"I don't recall asking you what I can or cannot get" I said defensively. Shawn held up his hands in defeat.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry" he whispered something into Kennedy's ear and she had a huge grin on her face.

"Daddy says he's sorry BB. Forgib him" she giggled. I tried to hide my smile but Kennedy was so cute. My lips curled into a smile as Shawn gave Kennedy a high give.

When the waiter came to take our order, Shawn got a Cheddar, bacon ranch burger and Kennedy got chicken tenders and fries.

"And what will you have ma'am"? The waiter asked. I bit the inside of my cheek as I ordered.

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