Chapter 1

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BAM  I fell on the the ground "urg" " you're not standing right. You don't have your balance" Ethan said and helped me up. " well why don't you show me how to do it!" I snapped at him. " no need to be all bitchy you know" he said and holds up his hands in surrender. " whatever just show me again okey!" I told him. "Whatever you want Angel." And he showed me again. After training for a while my brother Austin came in. " Ethan we need to go to dad about some business" he told us. " yeah I'm coming we're finished for today anyway." He said and looked at me. I smiled "thanks for helping" " no problem" I looked at Austin "so when are we going to shoot again?" I asked him he looked at me " tomorrow after school!" He said and walked out. "What's his problem" I said to my self not thinking that Ethan is still there. " he's just stressed, dad is giving him a lot of missions  lately" I nodded my head. Ethan kissed my head and walked out.

I got my towel and my water bottle and walked out of the gym. I walked up the stairs and saw my dad walking to his office. " hai sweetheart" he said and kissed my head. " hey dad what's up" " nothing much just some problems with a client." He said I nodded my head " okey well then go and fix whatever there is to fix with your client" he laughed " love you baby talk to you later okey." I nodded my head and walked away. I opened the door to my room and walked in. I put my now sweaty towel in my laundry basket and let my self fall on my soft bed.  I looked at the ceiling for a moment before giving a heavy sight. I got up and walked to my walk in closet and toke a yoga pants and a black hoodie. I toke some clean underwear and walked to my bathroom. I put on the shower and stripped my clothes of. I got in the shower and let the warm water fall on my body. The last few weeks have bin hell my family is acting really weird except for Ethan he is still the normal but crazy older brother. But Austin isn't him self anymore. I mean we where really close but ever since dad told him he will be the next leader of The Snakes Gang he is distance from me and Ethan. He doesn't really talk to me and to Ethan he just talks about business. Business business business that's the only thing we ever talk about here in the house. I toke the shampoo and put it in my hair. After washing my hair and body I got out of the shower. I put my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom.

I toke my phone from my nightstand and fell on the bed. I really love falling on my bed lately. I had a massage from Maddie. Maddie is my best friend since for ever. Are mums are friends from teenage years so we were kind of forced to be friends haha.

From:Maddie Staddie
Hey girl I have to tell you something really important you have time to call???❤️

To:Maddie Staddie
Heyyyyy sure I can call buttttt You can always just come to my room. I'm all done with training for today😅❤️

I locked my phone knowing she will come to my room in 5 4 3 2 and 1 I pointed to my door and it burst open. " omg omg omg I have to tell you something." She said and closed my door. She run up to my bed and was looking at me with a big smile. " what?" I laughed. " I have a date" my eyes grow wider. " omg with who????" I screamed. " you now Justin Smith?" " you mean the best friend of Noah Carter?" I asked. She nodded her head. " Maddie you know the are jerks." "Not Justin, just Michael,Liam,Andrew and Noah and we all know that Nora is really sweet to." She told me. I rolled my eyes. Justin Michael Liam Andrew and there leader Noah are the bad boys in are school. I never talked to them but still I know there total jerks. Only Nora is okey she is Liam's twin sister but I never talked to her. " hello earth to Angel!!!" Maddie said and snapped here finger in front of me. I blinded my eyes and looked at her. "What?" " I said I have to tell you another thing." I nodded my head to let her know that she could continue and I was paying attention. " I kind of maybe asked them to sit with us tomorrow at lunch." She looked at her hands. She new I hated them she knew it. But I also knew that she really liked Justin so I just nodded my head to tell her that it was okey. She smiled and hugged me " thank you thank you thank youuuuu you're the best friend of the hole wide world. She kissed my cheek and walked to the door. " I'm going to bed now have to look good for Justin tomorrow." And she walked out of my room. I laughed and put out the lights I went under the covers and closed my eyes. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day I already know that!
Hey guys first update hope you guys like it a little bit. I know it's short but hey it's the beginning xxxx meee

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