Chapter 5

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BAM was the noise my door made when Maddie walked in. " omg omg omg" she screamed and jumped in my bed with a big smile on her face. " what is it" I said and put my homework away. " he kissed me" she said happily. I looked at her confused kissed her? How kissed her?
Like she new what I was thinking she said who kissed her " Justin silly. He kissed me and no not in the cheek it was the lips. He kissed me on the lips omg." I looked at her surprised. " I can't believe you got your first kiss before me" I said with a pound. " ooow come on" she said. " joking tell me everything" " okey so after school he toke me too this really cute restaurant where we had a really nice dinner." She said and smiled. " what happened after that" " well we went too the park and walked for a little bit until we came to a bench. We set down and talked. And just at once he kissed me. Omg Angel he kissed me I had my first kiss today." " Omg Im soooooo happy for you". I Said and hugged her. " really I thought you didn't like Justin that's why I held it a secret for so long" " I'm not his biggest fan but he's okey and as long as you're happy I'm happy" she smiled " thank you so much angel" I smiled back.

I woke up the next morning with a big headache. I got out of the bed and walked to my bathroom I washed my face and brushed my hair. When I was all done with washing my self and brushing my teeth I walked out of my bathroom. I opened the door to my walk in closet and walked in. " what to wear what to wear" I said to my self. I looked a little more before setting my mind on a flower dress and cute middle high-heels. After putting my clothes on I curled my hair and put on a light make-up. I checked my self one last time in the mirror before taking my bag and walking out of my room.
" good morning Angel" my mum said when I passed her in the hallway. " hey mum, uuum aren't you going to have breakfast with us?" " ooow no honey not today, your dad and I have to go some where so we're about to leave." She said with a smile. " ooow uuum is Austin going too?" " nooo please not school goes first honey. Well your dad wanted him to come but I said no! And you know me no means no." She said laughing. " well okey have a nice day mum" " you too sweetheart. Ooow and Angel?" " yeah?" " tell your brothers that I love you three" " love you too mum" I said and walked down stairs.

"There is my favourite sister in the hole world" Ethan said. " I'm your only sister Ethan" I said laughing while getting a apple and putting my lunch in my bag. " sorry I'm late Austin I have a big headache and it's really bugging me" I said while walking too his car with the others. "It's okey Angel why not staying home if you have a headache?" " I'll be bored you know that" I smiled " right you always need too be entertained" he laughed making the others look at us. We got in the car en went too school.

I hate school when I have an headache. When normally I hate school too but you know know I hate it more. " sweetie pie" I heard someone say in my ear making me flinch. I turned and saw Maddie smiling at me. I groaned in pain " don't talk so loud" I said and put my hand on my head. " you want an aspirin?" "No I'll be fine you know I don't like aspirins" " yeah but still" I just smiled at her. We walked in to the cafeteria and walked too Justin. " hey babe" Justin said and kissed her cheek. Maddie blushed light " hey" she said nervous. I rolled my eyes and walked too there table " hey guys" "hey Angel you're here awesome" Liam said happily. Why is he so happy to see me??? Well what ever I don't care. Just when I was about to sit down I felt a presents behind me. " hey sweetheart" I heard a husky voice say in my ear. I knew exactly who it was Noah. I couldn't move why I don't know ever sins he said that he was going to make me fall in love with him I get really nervous when I see him. I slowly turned around and are eyes locked. " he came closer to me. What was he doing??? I felt my hands get sweaty and my heart beat faster every second. What is he doing to me! " I was wondering" he said what was he wondering about? "If you could come over to my place today because of the project?" He finished. Wait what? I shake my head " ooow uuum I uuum I" i said what the hell was I saying. " what?" I asked. He got a Grin on his face " I asked if you could come over too my house today for the project. Engels you know" " ooow uuum today? Yeah uuum Maddie do I have time today? " I said and looked at her. She looked at me then to Noah and then back to me. " uuum yeah I guess so" she said " we can go shopping a other day or I'll just go with Justin." She said not taking her eyes of of us. I nodded my head at her and looked back at Noah. " I uuum I just need your address and then my brother will drive me there." I said " no!" He said harsh " will go after school so you can have a ride from me and I'll bring you home." " ooow uuum okey I guess" the bell rings for are last two classes. " I'll see you at my car" he said and walked away

when last period was over i made my why to my locker. en saw Ethan standing there with his phone in his hand. "hey what are you doing her?" i asked while opening my locker. "is it true?" he asked and looked up from his phone. "is what true?" i looked up from my locker. "are you going to Noah Carter's house?" i nodded my head. "why?" "we have to do a project together" he just nodded his head. "well i see you later then." and he walked away okey that was a little weird. but before i could closs my locker i was in a hug. just be careful okey." i smiled "i love you Ethan." "love you to sis" and he walked away this time for good. i clossed my locker and made my way to the parking lot. i saw Noah waiting at his car so i walked to him. "hi" he just give me a head node and opend the car. i got in the car i put my seatelt on. "so did you already read a little of the book?" he asked me and i nodded. "yeah the first 16 chapters." i said he nodded his head. "you?" "yeah the first 4 i'm not a nerd like you remember." he said and just looked at him with a frown. "i'm not a nerd" i whisper and looked out of the window. after i think 20 minutes we came to a big white house. "wooow" was what i said. i saw Noah smirk from the corner of my eye.

"what never saw a house before?" i looked at him "of coures i have seen a house before just not this big." he didn't say something after that. when the car came to a stop we both got out and walked to the front door. "when we get in you don't talk to anybody okey" he said and opend the door. we got in and we walked straight to his room. when he opend his door i looked around and saw that it was just like Ethan's room. the walls where blue the was a big bed and lot of boys stuff. "you can sid on the bed if you want. do you want something to drink." he said "sure why not." "is cola okey?" i nodded my head. "okey just get your stuff ready and i'll be right back.

Noah's PoV!

i walked out of my room and down to the kitchen . what is it with her? everytime i look at her i think she looks beautiful and that's weird because i don't like girls. i don't think of girls like that! i have a one night stand and than i let them go. that is how it works. but why is she different? i toke two glasses and put some cola in it." i walked back up the my room and saw that she was reading the book. yeah definitly a nerd but could she be my my nerd? what the hell am i think she could never be mine! i don't even like her and beside my father would never let me have a girlfriend right now. and she is a miller i would never date a miller that's onder my level. and her brothers wouldend even let me kiss her so what is it about her? "are you going to stand there all day? because if you do you could just bring me home." she said with a smirk on her face. yeah she is totally not my type. i give her the cola and we start working on the project.


hey guys sorry for not updating but i'm in my senior year right now and my exams are going to start in april so i'm studying a lot at the moment. but i'm trying to update more

xoxo me <3

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