Chapter 2

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I woke up by the stupid alarm of my phone. Monday the day everybody hates. Rolling out of bed I make my way to the closet. I got a ripped jeans and a crop top I walked to my bathroom and put on the shower. After taking a shower I put on my clothes. I curled my hair and put on so makeup. Not to much just natural I walk back to my walk in closet and get my vans old Skool shoes. I put them on and looked at my self in the mirror. " Angel Miller you look cute" I say to my self. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 07:30 I have 30 minutes to get my school bag, breakfast. I looked for my bag and checked if I had everything.
-home room
Yes I got everything I walked out of my room and downstairs where I saw my brothers and parents. Maddie was there to with her older sister Mia and her parents. Mia is dating my brother Austin and sometimes that's really annoying because they would make out in the kitchen or something. I made my way to the table " good morning" I said to know one in particular. I got some morning and hey back but that's it. I sit down on the place where I always sit and toke some bread. " you're late Angel I want to go to school in 10 min" Austin said to me. I looked up with an annoyed expression " relax I'll be done bye then" I said in a duuuu tone. " whatever " he said I wanted to say something back but Ethan kicked me under the table sining me to not say anything.

After dinner I got my bag and walked to the car. I waited till the others came and got in the car. Now on my way to Hell also known as my school. "Hey Austin can we stop at Starbucks?" Maddie asked " no!" Was the only thing he said. What the hell is wrong with him. He is acting so weird. " so Austin after school where going to shoot right?" I asked him with an big smile on my face. " I don't have time dad gave me a new mission." " but you prom-" " I said I can't okey and of discussion!" He said and parked the car. When the car came to a stop I opened the door and slammed it shut. " don't slam my door like that Angel" he called after me. " when you'll keep your promises I won't slam it anymore" I called back and walked in to the school.

When I was walking trough the hallways of New York high i heard a lot of "hey Angel" and " looking good today Angel" I smiled at them and walked to my locker. Yeah I was popular I thing not that much but people do like me. Maybe because I'm the little sister of Austin the "good" football player and Ethan the " good" soccer player. But yeah I don't really care about that. I put my books in my locker and walked to my home room class. When I walked in a saw Ethan and Maddie and Ethan's best friend Josh. Yeah Ethan and I are in the same grade. Okey let me tell you why. When Ethan was born mum got pregnant pretty fast again with me. So Ethan was 8 months old when I came. I was pretty early so I was a tiny little baby. So we where born in the same year he in January me in November. So that's why we are in the same class. " hey guys" I said and toke my seat next Maddie. They al gave me a hey back. " so uuum Angel do... Do you already have a date to to the uuum winter ball?" Josh asked me. Maddie and Ethan where talking about some stupid show and didn't listen to what Josh said. "no... but I don't think I'm going so" he just nodded. "Why?" I asked and Maddie stoped talking with Ethan and looked at me. " ooow uuuum just wondering" I nodded my head and looked at the teacher that just came in and started the lesson.

After home room I walked with Maddie to English. She didn't had the same class as me but mine was in her way so. " I think Josh likes you" she said out of nowhere. I nodded my head in no. " he knows me sins I was 4 and is Ethan's best friend he wouldn't like me would he?" I said/asked. She just looked at me. " well here is my class see you at lunch???" She nodded " don't forget lunch with the bad boy." She winked and walked to her class. Shit I totally forgot that we had lunch with her new crush aka Justin smith aka the best friend of Noah Carter. I walked in the class room and took a seat in the back row. "Okey class listen up" miss bloem said. Miss Bloem was one of my favourite teachers she was sweet and nice and always help with everything. " so I talked with Mister Gilbert over the weekend and we came up with something. We are going too mix are classes for a project." She said and smiled. Oooow god I hate working on projects with people I always like doing them alone. " so you guys will all get a partner from the other class. I made the groups so don't worry about how is working with how. " she said. "Omg I hope I'm with Noah he is so cute" I heard Crystal Martins say. I hate Crystal Martins she is a real bitch. But hey she doesn't like me too so that's good. She only acts nice when Ethan is there. You know she is the slut of are school and she is always trying to get Ethan in to sleeping with her luckily he is smart and doesn't. " so listen up Where going too do this like this. I'm going to call some names and the are going to Mister Gilbert class room 401. For the names I don't call you are going to stay here with me. Okey here we go.
And - Alexia
You guys may go to Mister Gilbert's class now."
The all walked out and after a few minutes there was a nock on the door. Miss Bloem opened the door and the students came in. I didn't bother looking up how all the students where because come on I just don't care.
Miss Bloem started to say a lot of names and I didn't really listen too that in till she said one name. "Noah Carter," when she said his name I did look up and so did al lot of girls. Even girls that already got there partner. " Noah you are going with" she started looking around " where are you" she said to her self she looked a little more in till she met my eyes. " Angel Miller, Noah you are with Angel" she said and pointed at me. My eyes where wide open. You got to be kidding me. " miss Bloem don't you mean me?" Crystal asked we all looked at her. Of course she had to say something. " no Crystal sorry Angel is Noah's partner. You are with Bill" " What! I don't what too be with that nerd." She screamed. " CRYSTAL! Stop it right now!!!! Noah you can go too Angel now" she said and he nodded and made his way too me.

Hey guys
Hope you all had a great Christmas I sure did. So it's New Year now and I'm kind of annoyed right know because I'm only fighting with my mum at the moment great last day of 2016..... not!!! Well what can I do about it. For the ones that already have 2017 I hope you had a good start for the ones that are still in 2016 hope you guys are getting a great start of the new year.
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Xoxo meeeeeee

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