chapter 6

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We've been working on this project since forever and I kind of want to stop. I looked around the room and saw a lot of pictures in his room. On of I think his mom and dad with a boy that I don't know and the others where with his friends. " Angel?" " Angel?" " earth to Angel?!" Somebody said in my ear I looked up and saw his eyes his beautiful green eyes. Wait what the fuck no stop saying stuff like that Angel! " uuum Ja" " did you hear what I just said?" I nodded my head saying yes but then I looked down at my hands and said "no". He laughed " I was saying that maybe we should stop for today" I nodded my head "yeah I think that's for the best" " yeah". And then it was quite not a comfortable silence but an awkward silence. " well maybe I should go home" I Saïd and looked at him. He looked at me for a second before saying " yeah". I got my stuff and put them in my bag. " all ready?" I nodded and we walked down stairs. When we were at the door someone screamed my name " Angel" I turned around and saw. Liam walking up to me with the hole gang. I heard Noah sight behind me. " ooow hey guys." I said smiling " what are you doing here???" Justin asked. " ooow just working on the project with Noah." I said " but we where about to go so say goodbye Angel" I looked at him with a are you serious look. " well okey then was nice seeing you for a second" Nora said to me with a smile I nodded my head and turned to Noah. " let's go, bye guys" they all said bye and we walked out of the house.

When we got to my house I saw my brothers waiting outside. I got out of the car and Noah did the same. "Well thanks for the ride home." " no problem so next week same day same time?" I nodded my head and started walking to my brothers. " ooow hey Princess." I heard Noah say so I turned around "yes?"  " I had fun today" he said I was shocked for a second " ooow um yeah me too" he nodded and got in his car and drove of. When I turned around I was face to face with Austin and Ethan. " why are you smiling?" Ethan asked. Was I smiling? Why was I smiling? " did he kiss you or something?" Austin asked. " No what the fuck" I said and walked to the front door. " hey don't walk away from us" Ethan called after me. I opened the door and walked in. " Angel we are talking too you" Austin said. " nothing happened so stop asking questions." I said and walked to the kitchen where Mia Maddie and Josh where sitting. " hey girl" Maddie said I smiled at her and toke an apple. " Angel why did he say I had fun." Ethan asked. " because will we were working on are project we talked and it was pretty funny that's why he said i had fun." I said. " but-" Austin started but I stopped hem " I don't want to hear another word okey!" I said and walked away up to my room.

So this is a really short chapter and I'm soooo sorry for it. Next update is coming soon xox

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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