Chapter 3

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" Okey now that everyone has a partner I'm going to tell you what the project is. I'm going to give you all a book. You  will all  get a different one I want you all to tell me where the book is about what you liked what you didn't like and why you want others too read it. You guys will have 3 weeks too make the book and everything you need too show us where the book is about anyone questions?" Miss Bloem asked nobody said anything " okey I'll give you the books. She started giving all of us different books when she came too us she smiled. " Angel don't tell anyone but I'll give you my favourite one" she smiled at me I smiled back she knew I liked reading she handed me and Noah a book when I looked at the title it said Romio and Julliet i smiled she knew I wanted too read this book. " god really" I heard next too me. I turned my head and looked at Noah. "What" he said when he saw me looking. " nothing" I said I felt my stomach calling for food. I'm hungry I looked at the clock and saw that in 5 minutes the bell would ring. " so I was thinking you read the book and tell me about it. Then you make the presentation and sent it too me so I can look it over okey? Good deal!" Noah said and took his phone out.

Who the fuck does he think he is!!! President Obama or something. " i don't care what your saying you're going too read the book!" I told him. He looked up with a series look on his face. After I think 2 seconds he started laughing really hard. What the hell was he laughing right know. When he stoped he came closer too my face " I'm not going too read the book." He said with a grin. " yes you are." I fired back. He came even closer with his face. I held my breath. Why was I doing that!!! " what are you going to do about it" he whisper in my ear. And just when he said that the bell rang. He got up toke his bag and give me a wink before taking of. I was in shock for a second before getting my stuff too and walking out of the class room.

What was he doing too me? I thought as I was walking too my locker. Too get my other books. When I came too my locker Maddie was already waiting for me. " hey girl how was English?" She asked, what was I going to say should I tell her that we got a project and that my partner was Noah or should I just ' it was fine!" Yeah I'm going for the second one. " it was fine" I said with a fake smile. She definitely saw the fake smile and looked at me for a second before waving it of. I put my stuff in my locker and we toke of the the cafeteria. When we got there, there where already a lot of people there. I looked around and spotted my brother and was about too walk too them when Maddie stopped me. " Justin is sitting over there." She said and pointed too him. Shit I forgot that she had a lunch "date" and I had too come too. I looked over at there table and saw the everybody was there except for Noah hmmm maybe this wasn't going too be that bad after all.

Hey so sorry that this chapter is short but I wanted to update so badly for you guys. So I would really like too know what you guys think about this book. So if you could let me know in the comments that would be really nice. Also you guys will see a picture of Maddie and Justin on the side if your reading it in the laptop and above if you read it on the phone. I was really thinking about who would be the bast Maddie and Justin. And I came too the conclusion that Nina and Paul would be the best fit.
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