Chapter 4

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We walked up too them " hey Justin" Maddie said a little shy. I looked at her with a are you serious look. Was she nervous for Justin Smith. He looked up and had a big smile on his face. " hey Maddie" he said with a gorgeous smile on his face. He give her a huge and looked at me. " hmm never expected Angel Miller too come and sit with us..." he said with a smirk on his face. " I'm just doing this for Maddie and nobody else!" I snapped and toke a seed at there table. Maddie took the seed next to me and Justin next too her. " okey well Maddie, Angel this are my friends Liam, Andrew, Michael and Nora Liam's twin sister. Guys this's are Maddie and Angel." Maddie smiled happily and I just nodded my head in a 'hey' gesture.

" so you're the Maddie Justin talks about the hole time" Michael said and put an arm around Nora. Did I mention that they are a couple? Yeah well they are. Maddie blushed and looked down. " uuum I guess I am" she said not looking up from her hands. Justin saw that she felt uncomfortable so he put his arm around her and smiled " yes she is" he said with a proud look on his face. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all it looks like he likes her. I felt my phone buzz and looked at it. " who is it?" Maddie asked. " Austin" " what does he say"

From: Austin my brother👫
Why the hell are you sitting with the players of the school!!!

From: Austin my brother 👫

From: Austin my brother 👫
Tell me now? Angel answer me!

From: Austin my brother 👫
Answer me!

I laughed my brother is so protective omg. " well" Maddie said and a saw everybody look at me. " he's just asking why where siting here. " ooow well tell him that I wanted too sit here and that you just followed" I looked at her for a moment and nodded my head. I felt my phone buzzz again " wow you're brother really wants too know can't he chill?" Andrew asked " I wish he could chill for once." I said end they laughed a little. I looked at the text and saw that it was from Ethan and not from Austin. " well it's not Austin but Ethan." " overprotective brothers Hu?" Nora asked and I nodded my head. " know the feeling" she said and looked at her brother Liam. He just give her a whatever look.

From: my favourite Ethan bear 🐻 👫❤

Why the fuck aren't you answering Austin's texts ?! Why the hell are you siting with those players! Text me if your still mad at Austin. If your not texting back in like 2 min where both coming too the table and make a scene so TEXT BACK!!!!!

I showed the text to Maddie and she laughed "there so cute they really love you Angel" she said with a smile. " yeah well it's really annoying" I said and turned around and looked at them.

Too: my favourite Ethan bear 🐻 👫❤, Austin my brother👫

Could you both chill I'm just siting here because Maddie wants too sit her. She kind of likes Justin and he likes her too. And I'm just a good best friend and go and sit with her. And the real jerk isn't even here so CHILL!!! and too answer Ethan's question: YES I'M STILL MAD!
xx too Ethan from me

I pressed sending and looked at them with a smirk. The both toke there phones out the same time and read the text. Ethan smiled and winked at me and I smiled. But Austin just looked hurt. Why would he look hurt he is the one that's acting like this not me. I turned around and when I looked right at a body. I looked up too the face of the body. And let's say I wasn't happy with the face I saw.
" that's my place" he said coldly. " well I don't see your name on it so everyone can sit here" I said calmly. " I don't care I always sit here and I'm going too sit here again!! So why don't you get your stuff and walk away" he said. " Noah chill let her sit there it's just a seed." Liam said but at the moment Noah looked at him he shut up. What the hell Noah isn't he's boss so why the hell would he listen too him. " get up" he said. " uuum let me think about that?" I said. "No!" I said after pretending too think about it. " why are you even here?" He said I pointed at Maddie and Justin and they both give him a sheepish smile. " right you had that girl coming over with her friend. If you told me it would be her I would of stayed away." He said and looked at me. " uuuum that girl has a name it's Maddie and my name is Angel so if you would call us by are names that would be really nice." I said with a fake smile. " but I prefer that girl and her sweetheart." He said. " Angel the name is Angel!" I said a little louder this time and got up so I could look him in the eyes. We'll sort of look him in the eyes. Before I new it Austin and Ethan where standing next to me. " right I forgot you're the little sister of the Miller brothers" he said. " is he bothering you Angel" Austin said with greeting teeth. " Awh are you going to ask you brothers too help you. Little Angel is scared" he said in a child's voice. " no" I said " he isn't bothering me" I told my brothers. " and even if he would I wouldn't care" I said. " will see about that Princess. " he said with a smirk. " just fuck of" I said and just when I said that the school bell rang telling us that it was time too go too are next class and that lunch was over. I got my bag and made my way to my next class.

After the incident at lunch I didn't see Noah again I did see Justin and he told me sorry about what happened and that Noah wasn't that bad if you knew him. But I don't really believe in that so yeah. I walked too Austins car and saw that only my brothers where there why??? " hey" I said when I came too them. " hey baby sis" Ethan said and put his arm around me. Austin laughed quite when I pushed Ethan's arm of of my shoulder " where is everyone?" "Mia has cheerleader practice and Maddie said she had too go some where. So it's just us three" Austin said and walked to the door. We al got in Austin and Ethan in the front me at the beck seed in the middle.  " what about we get some ice cream?" Austin said out of the blue. " like we always did when we were younger?" Ethan said happy. " yeah like we always did when we where younger." " don't you have to do some work with dad?" I asked. He nodded his head. " wait but.... I don't get it."  Ethan said. " It's just a meeting and I think doing something with you two is way more fun then that." " won't you get in trouble?" I asked. " yeah but it's worth it" he said and smiled.

In no time we where at ice lovers. We parked the car and got out. " you guys get the ice and I go and look for a place where we can sit?" I asked. " just like old times" Ethan said. " chocolate ice right" Austin said and I nodded my head. I looked around and saw a place next too the window. I made my way too the table but before I came there I bumped in to something. " can't you watch where your going" the person said. Wait a second I know that voice. " can't you" I said and looked at Noah's face. " really the Miller girl again" he said when he saw that it was me he bumped in too.  " are you stalking me or something." I said with a smirk. " why would I" he said " I only stalk hot girls and your not one of them" he said with a smirk. " dude she is fucking hot!" I heard somebody say. I looked behind him and saw all the other boys and Nora except for Justin he wasn't there. I guess he's with Maddie. " shut up Liam" " well we can all see that Liam has taste" I said and winked at him. Where did my confidence come from what the hell!!! Noah looked at me for a second. " maybe I should take some of that 'taste'" he said. I looked at him confused. " I bet I can make you fall for me" he said. " stop it Noah! We all no that Angel isn't like al those girls of yours" Nora said but Noah ignored her. " I would never fall for a asshole like you!" I said with an attitude. " but I want you to fall for me". What? Did he just say I want you to fall for me? The Noah Carter wants me to fall for him?! 
"Never" " you know I always get what I want. And now I want you to fall in love with me" he said with confidence.  I looked at him with a mad face. Right as if I would ever fall in love with him.  " I would never fall in love with you never!!!" " will see about that princess" " don't call me princess". I said pissed. " whatever you say princess." He said and walked closer to me. I hold my breath. Why am I holding my breath again? " but I'm going to get some ice cream now. Have fun with your brothers princess." He said and walked away with his friends. Nora give me a 'I'm sorry' face and walked away with them.

I looked around and saw my brothers sitting at a table. " hey where were you?" Austin said. " sorry I had too go the girls room" I lied. Normally I don't lie to my brothers but it was better if they didn't know about this little conversation with Noah Carter. I smiled and started eating my ice. " so I wanted too say sorry too both of you." Austin said a little sad. "For what" Ethan said. " for acting the way I act. It's just I have a lot on my mind with all the stuff I have to do. And school doesn't really help with dat so. And I hate fighting with you guys. Because I really love you both and I would do everything to protect you guys. You guys are My little brother and sister after all I would die for you guys." He said looking at us. I smiled and held out my hand to him. He toke it with a smile. " we love you to Austin. Sorry for fighting with you so much"  I said. " you'll always be are older Brother Austin no matter what. I mean what would we do if we hadn't had you."  Ethan said and I nodded my head. Austin smiled " ooow and tomorrow where going shooting okey." He said looking at me and I smiled. " hey I want to shoot to!" Ethan said. " you can come to." Austin said. " why not first go shooting and then go Fighting" I said with a smile. They both nodded there heads. "You guys do know I'm going to beat your asses" Ethan said. " no way in way better then you" I said. " little once we all now that I'm the best in both of them." Austin said and held his hands up. Ethan and I looked at one another then back at Austin. Then started laughing really hard. Austin looked at us for a moment and started laughing to. This is what I missed just me and my brothers being crazy.

Hey guys sorry I didn't update for a while. Had some stuff going on at school. And I'm having a audition next Friday so i'm really busy. But I try and update more.

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