Chapter 24

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It's my wedding day. It's my wedding day. ITS MY WEDDING DAY!? It's my wedding day. And no, it's not just mine. Today I am making my vows to the most amazing man I have ever met- Jacob Black. I begin to dwell on our past- the first kiss, the first date, Jacobs imprint on me. As I sink into sleep again, the images begin to play. It's when I was fifteen, and Jake was telling me about the imprint, and what it really meant. I was sitting on a rock by the beach, fiddling with a strand of my hair, watching the blue waves lap against the sand. Jacob was sitting next to me, contemplating something in his head.

"Renesme?" He began.

"Yeah?" I questioned, not knowing that this would change my life.

After all, I had always had a crush on Jacob. Well, since I was ten. When I was nine, I loved his bronze skin and how it shone it the light. At the age of ten, when I began to understand love and crushes, I grew a slight crush for this gorgeous sixteen-year-old. At eleven, I had always thought the crush was just a hormonal phase, but I was distraut to find that I still liked the boy with the slick black hair, with the bronze skin. At twelve, I grew an understanding of the beauty in love, and the boy with the chocolate eyes, slick black hair, and bronze skin had a meaning, and I knew that I shouldn't push my feelings away. At fourteen, when I became mature, Jacob was only two years older than me and I knew I was in love. Although too nervous to admit it to him, the desire to be his was burning away in my heart. And then finally, at fifteen, when I had a part time job as a waitress and I noticed and loved every little thing about my bronze boy, I was willing to start a relationship, to spill my monstrous emotions. And now I was perched on the silver bolder, scorched by the blazing sun, sitting next to him with my legs in my arms.

"Well" He began "I need to talk to you"

I giggled, not taking my eyes off of the sunset.

"Sure, go ahead" I chuckled.

"Well, there are two options, the short one and the long one, but I don't know which to go for, so-" He began to explain very quickly, which is unusual for Jacob with his slow, cautious tone. "So-so- so I think I might go for the long one because- I don't know, just- well, Nessie. I imprinted on you when you were a baby- well, you know that- God, now I just sound stupid..."

He looks at his feet and I giggle.


He places a hand close to mine, and my skin burns.

"Well, I never really explained what 'imprint' means. Well- well-well, um, well, your Mum flipped out when I first told her, um, cause she thought it meant I love you-which I don't!- but, um, well, actually-um. Nessie, I-"

I laughed, and cut him off with a kiss. My first kiss. His nervousness had just made him seem so lovely and I couldn't help it. It was so quick. I just leaned in and then he was just there, and I was kissing him. And he was kissing me. After about five minutes, we broke apart.

"I think I'm in love with you" Jake said, and then we kissed again.

Suddenly, my eyes are wrenched open by cold fingers. Standing before me is my Aunt, Alice.

"Wakey, wakey!" She cries, bouncing around the room like a fairy.

Even Alice, the woman who's been down and crying for days, cannot resist the happiness of wedding days. I come over in a tremble, and clench my knees like I had in the dream. This action always relieves me, as it reminds me of that night I dreamed of, of Jacob and the first kiss. Alice whisks me away into the bathroom, and I allow her to, as my forehead feels hot and I'm getting slightly nauseous. She wets a blue flannel with icy water and wrings it out over my face.

"Nessie, you look white" She says, concerned.

"Thanks, Alice!" I say, laughing weakly as I feel something bubbling in my throat.

"No, seriously!-" She begins, and throws me to the toilet just in time for me to vomit.

She stands behind me, hand in my shoulder, pulling my messy hair back. Suddenly I hear a thump, and Jacob comes through the door, running by my side.

"Nessie!" He shouts, desperate to know what's going on.

I shiver with cold, and he puts his arms around me.

"Wedding chitters" I whisper.

He smiles my favourite crooked smile.

"Seriously though, are you alright?" He says, nervously.

"Jacob!" I choke, wobbly standing up. "I'm fine! Go and get ready for the Wedding. You only have three hours"

He sighs, and kisses my forehead.

"Alright" He gives in, and turns to Alice "Call me if anything goes wrong"

She nods, and Jacob opens the window and hops out, most likely to meet up with the pack. Alice looks at me, straight in the face. She's a girl- she knows better.

"Renesme" She begins, sternly. "What was that?"

I shake my head. She knows.

"Alice" I groan. "It was only once..."

She shakes her head in disbelief.

"Once is enough!" She groans. "Nessie, tell me you didn't!?"

I look upwards, trying to hide my guilt.

"I didn't mean for it to happen" I whisper.

"Oh my god" Alice stresses.

"Alice! We don't even know it's true yet!" I urge.

But I know it is. After all, vampire-humans can't get sick, and I certainly don't have wedding chitters, being the most confident person on Earth. My nickname to my few friends is 'Warrior', because of my inability to be nervous. Well, the only thing I have ever been nervous about was telling Jacob I loved him, although it ended up never having to happen until after the kiss. This means I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant again.

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