10 ~ Blasters

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By the time Sans had turned ten, he was four foot eleven, and had stopped growing entirely. They assumed this was a side effect of the growth serum-- sped-up but stunted growth. There was also the possibility that much of his energy that would be put towards growth was instead used for accommodating for the physicality injections and Determination.

In the end, though, it hardly mattered. His height made little difference in his strength.

And strong he was- he could now last nearly four minutes against Gaster.

Of course, this was still far from what he was eventually going to need to be, but he was definitely strong for someone his age.

And then, one day, Gaster said he had something for Sans.


"well, what is it?" Sans asked yet again.

"Just calm down." Gaster responded. "You'll see."

They were on their way to the weapons testing room.

Entering the room, Gaster directed Sans over to stand against the wall behind him.

"Alright, so you've heard how I used to design weapons in the War?"


"Watch this."

With that, Gaster snapped out his hand. Two massive dragon-like skulls formed, one on either side, their mouths brimming with Magic.

As Sans watched, wide eyed, the skulls' jaws fell, loosing the Magic they had had contained between their teeth. It was discharged in a powerful beam, an arc of light with a slight purple tint of Gaster's Magic. The beams hit the back wall of the room.

When Gaster had dismissed the two weapons, whatever served as Sans' ears were still ringing. And there was yet another black scorchmark on the back wall.

Gaster turned around to look at Sans. "Whaddya think?"

Sans grinned. "cool! what are they?"

"Well, I just call them Blasters, but everyone else seems to have gotten the idea that I'm incredibly narcissistic, and calls them Gaster Blasters. They're... Weapons, essentially. Not natural attacks, but something I created and integrated into my Magic. And, with a few adjustments, we can give them to you, too."

"really? sweet!"

Gaster grinned. "I thought you'd like 'em."

"can i get them now?"

Gaster's grin slipped a little, changing to a small grimace. "Well. That's a little difficult. Come here."

As Sans walked over, Gaster summoned another Blaster, but a bit smaller, and without the Magic for the beam already in its mouth.

When Sans was standing beside Gaster, Gaster gestured slightly. The Blaster's mouth opened.

At Gaster's instruction, Sans peered into the Blaster's large maw. The roof of it's mouth was covered in a variety of symbols, all glowing with the soft purple of Gaster's Magic.


"Do you remember," Gaster said as Sans pulled away, "how we were talking the other day about how the makeup of nonMagic living things is dictated by their genes, and that is controlled by their DNA?"

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