24 ~ Gone

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Sans was lying in bed. He had pleaded that he was still in a lot of pain from yesterday's injection. And, truth be told, he was, just not physical pain.

He didn't understand what had happened. He didn't understand how he could go back. How he could change things like that. And he still could do it. He had tried, slipping into that blackness, able to reach for the buttons...

He always hit continue. He didn't want to reset, have to go through all that again...

More painful than that was the thought that, one of those times, he had let Papyrus be taken. He had let Papyrus be used for the DTW project.

He had broken his promise. He didn't want to do that. He didn't want to be like Gaster.

He couldn't break his promise.

.... he couldn't break his promise....


Jeff had decided that this was enough.

Seeing Sans on his knees like that, begging. Not even to not do the injection. Just to lower the dosage.

It was more than enough. Jeff could not simply stand by while this happened.

He had to do something. Now.

This had gone on for far too long!


It was late. Gaster was sitting at his desk, running some calculations.

It was strange. It seemed that Sans somehow had known he made a mistake. Looking at things now, hid he had gone on with the dosage increased as he had, Sans would have probably died.

How had Sans known when Gaster hadn't? Especially since Sans had never even seen the dosage calculations.

How had he known?

He would have to ask Sans. Perhaps the Determination gave Sans some sort of premonit--

Gaster's phone rung. He had stressed the importance to people of only calling him if there was imminent danger.

Grumbling, he answered the call with a sharp "What?"

"D-doctor Gaster!" A voice on the other end stuttered. "S-someone's fallen off the catwalks in the CORE!!"

Gaster growled a couple of irritated words. "I'll be there in a minute."


Sans was lying in bed. Papyrus was snuggled close to his chest, sound asleep.

Sans didn't sleep much anymore. Not well, at least. He always waited, tense, for that moment Gaster would come in and tell him to get up, that it was time to start for the day-...

He didn't sleep much.

And when the door opened, he flinched, curling tightly around Papyrus. He might have also whimpered a little, and cringed when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Shh, shh. It's just me, Sans." Jeff. Sans relaxed. "Come on, we have to hurry."

Sans uncurled a little. "why? what are we doing?"

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