32 ~ I Trust You.

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A week and a half went by quickly, Sans found rather fortunately.

Papyrus woke up about two days after Sans had, and, at Sans' insistence, was brought over to lie next to him on the table, snuggled up against his side. That was, more or less, all they did for the week and a half, not being strong enough to do much else.

Sans explained to Papyrus that they were in Dr. Gaster's lab, because they had gotten sick, and Dr. Gaster was taking care of them. Papyrus had been so young when they were in the lab before that he didn't remember it, and Sans made it quite clear to Gaster that he was not to be told about it.

Thankfully, Gaster listened.

And, eventually, Gaster declared that they were strong enough for the runes.

And that scared Papyrus.

The day it was decided that Gaster would be starting on them, he clung to Sans' side, trembling.

Sans hugged him. "aw, pap, it's really not that bad." Sans shuddered internally with the lie. It wasn't bad physically, but the memories he had associated with this sort of thing... "you won't feel a thing. i'll even go first if ya want, to show you."

Papyrus nodded.

"Actually, Sans," Gaster said from where he sat at his desk, "I was thinking about that. If you're first, I can explain to Papyrus what's going on. I remember when y-... I've seen that when people understand things a bit better, it isn't as scary."

Sans glared a warning at Gaster, but Papyrus didn't seem to notice the slip. He just nodded again.

Gaster looked back to Sans, then glanced at Jeff. "So then. Whenever you're ready, Sans."

"might as well go now, then." Sans had to admit he felt more than a little nervous. He was glad Jeff was there, to keep Papyrus safe.

Gaster nodded and stood. "Might as well, I suppose." He walked over to the table. "You can take off your shirt, lay down. I have to get the anesthetic ready."

Sans obliged. Papyrus sat on the edge of the table, looking down at Sans, holding his hand. Jeff stepped up next to him.

And then Gaster was back. Carefully, he fit the plastic mask over Sans' face. "This'll take a minute or two to take effect. Just breathe deeply."

Sans nodded. And then, looking up at Gaster, he used his *Check ability.

*Wingdings Gaster
ATK: 90 DEF: 78 HP: 150 Lv: 68
*Royal Scientist
*Almost feels sorry. But not there yet.
*... Trying very hard.

Sans breathed deeply, motioning with one hand, "i'm going to trust you."

Gaster saw. Smiled just a tiny bit.

As the anesthetic began to kick in, Sans stopped Speaking in Hands as it became difficult to not only to move his hand, but to really think at all.

Alright, Sans. That might've been Gaster's voice. Might not have been. I'm not going to start yet. I just want to make sure the anesthetic is working. Can you feel this?

Feel what? Was he supposed to be feeling something?

No? How about this?

That was a little concerning, wasn't it? That he couldn't feel that? Was it concerning? Should it have been? He didn't know. Couldn't tell.

You see, Papyrus? He's completely out. Can't feel a thing.

No he couldn't. Was that good, or bad, or concerning, because he couldn't tell if it was supposed to be good or bad?

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