41 ~ Falling in the Fold

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Despite Gaster's numerous threats to fire many people, it was still another week and a half before they were allowed to leave the hospital. And even then, it was with strict instruction to not go to work for a few weeks. Someone had even gotten King Asgore to come tell Gaster to take a break, and apparently the only thing Gaster couldn't do as Royal Scientist was overrule Asgore's command.

So Sans and Gaster went home.

Honestly, it wasn't all that bad to take some time off and just stay home. Papyrus was quite happy with it, too, especially because it meant his family was getting better.

There was indeed another scarred crack in Gaster's face. It ran upwards from his right eyesocket, and had half-paralyzed said eyesocket. He couldn't open it more than halfway. Overall, though, he said this didn't especially matter. He could still see out of it more or less alright, and said that it didn't really hurt much at all anymore.

Another four weeks, and Gaster decided he was going to go back to the True Lab, regardless of what people said. He had had people cleaning up the wreckage from the explosion, but didn't want them to start rebuilding until he was there.

Because yes, they were going to rebuild. He wasn't about to let something so small as an explosion get in the way of his project.

Sans spent another day or two at home before heading to work again, too. He was still a pretty sore, and moving too fast hurt, but overall he was doing well.

A month or so passed, and they got to the point where things had exploded in their faces the previous time. This time, everything worked as planned, and construction continued.

And then, suddenly, they were ready for the first real test.

They had a little camera device they would be dropping through the fold, and if everything worked right, it would come out of the fold onto a a table next to the machine. If things didn't go as planned, well, that was why they were using a camera instead of a living monster.

Gaster wanted to be the one to drop the camera into the fold, but he was the one who knew how to work everything at the control panel best, so it was Sans who would be doing the honors.

The day arrived with much excitement. Gaster couldn't sit still for a moment, and had Sans' face not already been stuck in a grin, his jaw might have been rather sore from the expression.

Everything had to be checked again before they could start it up. From system diagnostics to circuitry, wiring, and screws, everything was checked and checked again. Gaster was determined that this time, there should be no explosions.

Eventually, the checking was finished, and they were ready to start. Suddenly, all the excitement shifted to nervous tension.

Sans again stood at Gaster's side, the small black box of the camera gripped in his hand. Gaster worked at the control panel, hitting buttons and flipping switches. After a couple seconds, the machine powered up, the soft hum of fans filling the room. Gaster let it run like that for a few minutes.

"... Well, nothing's exploded yet, so I guess it's time to make the fold."

Sans bounced a little on his toes, but said nothing.

Gaster started back at the control panel. "Sans. If you want to get ready at the platform..."

The "platform" was where they would be making the entry fold. It was, quite literally, just a steel platform on the floor, some machinery running off one side of it.

Sans walked over to the platform, tense silence following him.

"Camera's on?"

Sans looked at the camera. Then he hit the on switch.

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