36 ~ The Greatest

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Sans knew something had happened the instant Papyrus stepped in the door.

He wasn't looking at Sans. He had his head down hands stuffed in his pockets. He didn't run up and hug Sans.

"hey, bro, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said in an uncharacteristically quiet voice.

"papyrus, you're great at a lot of things, but lying isn't one'a them. come here."

Papyrus slowly walked over to where Sans stood. Sans said nothing, immediately wrapping his arms around Papyrus and hugging him tightly. Papyrus slouched down a little, burying his face against Sans' shoulder.

For a few minutes, Sans just held Papyrus close. Then, pulling away from the hug but not really letting go of Papyrus, Sans led his brother over to the couch. Once they had settled down, Papyrus snuggled up against Sans' chest, Sans again asked what was wrong.

"c'mon, papyrus. tell me what happened."

For a minute, Papyrus just pressed himself harder against Sans. "I-... I don't want to..."

"i know." Sans started rubbing Papyrus's back. "but i wanna help you, and i can't do that unless you tell me what's wrong."

Papyrus nodded. Then, slowly, he began. "Uh... my-... my friends at school-... they said-..."

Sans saw where this was going, and resisted the urge to interrupt, telling Papyrus those kids were evidently not his friends. But he didn't, just listening instead, as Papyrus went on.

"They said that... that I'm weird, and-... and I'm too tall, and I'm a freak, and my name is weird, and they said that- that it's weird that my only family is you, and bad, that your only family can't just be a brother, and I tried to tell them that I have a dad, but you and Dad said I shouldn't-- so they didn't believe me, and-- and they- they said you were a freak, too, and-- and I'm not a freak, am I?"

"no! of course not!" Sans hugged Papyrus tightly. "you're the greatest person i know. and, well, if they don't see that, then they're just not as cool as you are."

"Really?" Papyrus sounded a little skeptical.

"yeah. see, a lot of the time, people don't recognize true greatness when they first see it. so, uh, just keep being you, being great, and i'm sure they'll figure it out eventually."

Papyrus still looked dubious.

"really, pap. if you don't believe me, just ask Dings when he gets home, 'kay?"

Papyrus nodded.

"and in the meantime, howabout i make us some hot chocolate?"

When Gaster did get home, Papyrus did ask him about it, repeating his and Sans' conversation.

"Well, yeah." Was Gaster's response. "Just look at me. You know I made weapons for the war, right? Well, at first, no one wanted them. They all thought my ideas were stupid, and would never work. But now look! Not only does the king himself use my weapons, but I'm the Royal Scientist!"

That had cheered Papyrus up considerably. He was determined to be the greatest person he could be.


Not long after Sans had put Papyrus to bed that night, Gaster called him over to where he was working at the table.

"yeah?" Sans asked, stepping up to Gaster.

"So, you know I'm working on this new project, right?"

"uh-huh. the space-folding one."

"Yeah. And, you know, I was just wondering if you'd like to come help."

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