Chapter 24 - NiChu

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I updated, at first it was exam stress but then it was laziness... so yeah sorry about that! Thank you guys so much for 700+ reads! I never expected to get so much support! I love every comment, they are always so nice and funny they really make me laugh and smile and make me wanna write that much more so thanks! Anyways back to the story!

POV America

"So Iggy, Iggy, Iggy! What is the plan!" I whined impatiently, he had refused to tell me anything until he was sitting at his kitchen table with a cup pf tea in his hands. Iggy was currently sat looking pensively into his cup of that drug which warmed his palms. I swear that stuff is worse than opium or tobacco ever were for him, I should seriously stage an intervention, I mean the stuff has practically become his religion.

He sipped the warm beverage gently before replying: "well my plan is rather simple really, we trick them into confessing."

"Huh? Can't we just lock then in a box again, that sounds like it would be way easier." I said impatiently, this sounded like more trouble than it was worth.

"No you dolt! That won't work this time!" How can a method work once and not twice!

"Why not!"

"Because the two of them are too insecure about confessing, trapping them in a box would just cause awkwardness. Instead we need to trick them!" He said with a calculating look in his eye. Wow there really is some vague reason to his madness. And to be honest that plan actually made sense, I imagined China and Japan trapped in a small box, they were silent and refusing to talk to one another. The idea was sexy, but I didn't see it working out in a relationship.

"Mm K, so what's the plan?" I say now slightly intrigued.

"Well, we are going to send them both love letters from the other. Japan's we can type, it would seem logical enough, as he is an extremely modernised country, and typing would appear less intimate for him. China's on the other hand, will have to be a forgery. But that won't be too difficult, seeing as I got quite skilled at that art during the opium wars. The hardest bit will be making the letters sound like the countries themselves, and also making sure they are delivered discretely. If I give Japan his, he won't suspect anything as I rarely play pranks on the man or when I do, I don't get caught." Said Iggy giving me a look, I glared back, it's not my fault Japan has the skills of a ninja and a samurai! It makes it really hard to prank him in a physical way! Mental on the other hand, not so hard. "And you'll deliver China's, because he trusts you slightly more than me." Alright! I think mentally fist bumping the air. I guess stealth is going to be required.

"Sounds like a plan!" I say smirking deviously, rubbing my hands together.

"Yes I know, it is a rather brilliant plan that only one as brilliant as sir England could come up with." Said England, clouds of arrogance surrounding him. His ego sometimes I swear.

"Yeah only someone as insane and sadistic as you!" I say brightly. "Come on old man! We have some work to do!" I say grabbing Iggy under arm and pulling him along effortlessly.


Third person's POV

Japan was nervous, very nervous. By the level of jitteriness he felt you would expect him to be shaking. But naturally he sat there as calm and composed as ever. One could even think he was meditating. He was sat on the bench where China had said to met him, surrounded by beautiful cheery blossoms. It was a truly tranquil area. A divine, beautiful garden full of wildlife. It put Japan in as calm a mood as he could be. It felt like home.

Japan still couldn't believe the letter. He went over the possible flaws of it in his mind. It certainly looked and read like China himself had written the letter. And also the fact he had had England deliver the message. Japan knew China was far too shy to deliver such a letter. In fact doing so would have been deemed improper.

What had really convinced Japan that it truly was China's work, was that he had asked to meet him here, where China had taken Japan for his last birthday. The garden had been as beautiful then as it was now. Such a sweet addition could only have been added by China himself. Besides the only other person who even knew he had spent his birthday here was America, and he wasn't smart enough to come up with such an elaborate plan.

Perhaps he was overthinking this, it's just that he was so on edge, he couldn't help but overthink every possible angle of such an unthinkable situation. But he had to accept it as the truth it was the only logical explanation he could come up with.

When he saw China walk up the dirt path Japan couldn't help but let a smile appear on his face. Normally he could resist showing any emotion, but right now he couldn't suppress himself. He stood up and brushed off his clothes, and mentally stealed himself for what he was about to say. Japan was a strong, honourable person. And although he could lie his way out of many a situation by bending the truth, this was different.

China had revealed his deepest feelings and it was Japan's duty to give him his honest answer straight away. He was honour bond to this confession.

"China." He said grabbing the taller man's sleeve to get his attention. "I love you, and not as a brother but as a lover." He said solemnly, seriously. China couldn't believe what he was hearing, all he knew he was overjoyed.

"Yes I know!" Said China happily, he knew!? How did he know! Japan considered himself a master of hiding emotion! How could such a thing have happened! Thought Japan frantically. Then again why would China send the letter now of all times unless he'd worked it out? Japan thought that made a lot of sense.

"I love you too Japan! You have no idea for how long." Said China eyes simply bursting with happiness. Being the reserved respectful countries they were they happily just stared at each other. Eyes sparkling, expressions filled with joy for once. "I'm so happy you decided to tell me in your letter, it was so cute Japan!" Said China giving him a short hug respecting him while doing so. Not hugging him too tightly leaving the man plenty of space, Japan smiled happy China understood his space issues. Then he thought about what the man had just said. Oh no, please don't tell me I've been fooled thought Japan.

"Letter?" Said Japan confused. "You must be mistaken, you are the one who sent me a letter." Now it was China's turn to be confused but before either of them could think through it further there was a massive noise from the bush behind them, and then annoyingly obnoxious familiar laughter.

"Hahaha the hero strikes again! Now you're going to be happy forever and there is nothing you can do about it!" Yelled the self proclaimed hero, jumping out of the bush pulling a pissed of looking England up with him.

"America you git, you just completely blew our cover!"

"You damn westerns! This is the last straw." Said China pulling a frying pan out of thin air, brandishing it like a mad man.

"Ah!" America shrieked. "Okay Iggy looks like it's time to get out of here! To infinity and beyond!" Said America sprinting off, dragging England behind him while said man muttered a stream of British curses.

Japan just stood there in shock unable to comprehend what had just happened or that he had been stupid enough to fall into such a trap. China stared venomously after the two western countries. However the two stopped their pondering when they ended up simply looking into each others eyes. They may have fallen for a trap, but the result was well worth the embarrassment.

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