The Capricorn's Lullaby - 6

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Capricorn sat there, 0% of what he just asked being processed.

Taurus looked at her with a smile, and she sat there with a weirdly contorted face. Sagittarius, seeing her struggle, chipped in for her.

"Ah, Taurus. Remember, OCD? No touchey." She said.

Capricorn nodded frantically, as she sweat dropped. Taurus pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped it away, and folded it and placed on top of her book. Standing up, he smiled at her.

"Capricorn. Sagittarius," he says as he dismisses himself from their table.

Sitting back down on the couch, Taurus shrugged his shoulders at the questions shot at him and the game continued.

"Okay...Hey Cancer!" Leo called.

Cancer nodded his head towards Leo. "Sup wichu bruh?" He said.

"We all know your undying love for Libra, man!" He said and the other guys all laughed and hummed in agreement.

Libra looks up at Leo and frowns. Then he looks at Cancer.

"So, I dare you two to make out!"

Cancer and Libra sat frozen at Leo, while the other zodiacs started laughing their butts off, and Virgo was practically screaming and nosebleeding.

Gemini and Aquarius had joined the group on the couch, and Sagittarius and Capricorn were still laying on the table.

Cancer looked at Libra then back at Leo.

"What's the penalty if I don't?" He asked. Scorpio filled in for him.

"You gotta make out with Gemini," he said randomly.

Gemini froze while the others laughed. Cancer pondered his decision.

"Alright alright alright," he said, putting his hands up in defeat and laughing a bit.

"I'll make out with Libra, alright?" He said.

'Oohs' and 'Aahs' erupted from the group and then laughter took its place.

Libra didn't seem to care what was going on. He was slouched down in his seat, and his arms were folded across his chest. He clearly didn't give a damn.

Cancer stood, and motioned for Libra to stand, too. "Hey, can we at least do it in private?" Cancer asked, and the other agreed, saying that they just needed evidence.

Cancer took Libra's hand and dragged him off into the kitchen behind the bar.

The others chatted about what to dare next when Cancer and Libra came back out and took their seats.

Libra had a small red mark on the left of his neck, and Cancer was smiling widely.

Scorpio went over to Libra and rubbed his finger on the mark.

"Bruuuuh. It's either an actual hickey or he just rubbed some sorta sh*t on his neck to leave a red spot," he said after sitting down.

Libra moved his glasses and put them on top his head. He didn't have a facial expression at the moment.

~468 words, half hour, eighteen more dares and some drunk people later~

Aquarius had been dared to chug some whiskey, Libra was dared to tell his scariest secret ever, Gemini was dared to sing "Let it Go" with Virgo, Cancer was dared to say his Earth name before he died, Leo and Scorpio pranked everyone by throwing buckets of water at them when anyone/someone said the word 'dare', and the author stayed up at 2 in the morning to please their readers.

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