The Capricorn's Lullaby - 9

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The next day, Taurus and Cancer's swords clinked away, beads of sweat running down their foreheads. They have been at it for about an hour, and it was late afternoon.

Suddenly collapsing on the sand, Taurus sighed loudly and let go of his sword. Cancer sat down beside him and wiped sweat off of his face.

"What a way to deal with a hangover," Taurus sat up, looking at Pisces with a "( -_-)" face.

Cancer, smiled and nodded. "Yeah, kinda. Libra was so frickin pissed at me," he said and laughed.

Taurus laughed along, before saying, "You're probably the only one that can make him smile," and Cancer looked at him.

"What do you mean? He smiles all the time," he said, and Taurus face said 'what the hell do you mean he smiles all the time have you even seen him he's all prim and proper and shiet' and Cancer got the message.


"He only smiles with you! It's like-- like you two are made for each other!" He commented, waving his hands around for emphasis.

Cancer listened to Taurus' ongoing speech, nodding with his chin in his hand.

"Hmm.." he said after a while. He stood up and dusted his pants off, and smiled. "I should get going, don't you think. Thanks for helping with the hangover, even though it's pretty late," he said, and with one last wave, walked away, mumbling to himself.

Taurus headed inside, dropping his armour and his sandals off at the door, heading upstairs to shower off.

Meanwhile, at Sagittarius' library, Capricorn was engulfing herself with books and fairytales, Teen Fictions, Fantasies, and a lot of books having to do with anything to do with water - sirens, boats, people; everything.

With her legs crossed, sitting on the floor in a book fortress, Capricorn was happy. Sagittarius took occasional glances at Capricorn from the table, and wondered what she could be reading.

Closing her book, she walked over to Capricorn, huddled to herself on the floor.

She was reading a book about how there was a boy and a girl, but the girl had a secret he couldn't tell him, and she promised to tell him one day when the time was right, but ended up dying before telling him.

Snorting at the summary, Capricorn looked up at Sagittarius. Her eyes were filled with wonder, almost tears, as she slammed the book closed after reading the last sentence in the book.

"Uwahhhhhhhh!" Sagittarius yelled as Capricorn tackled her, bawling.

"I'm sure it wasn't that emotional!" Sagittarius said. Capricorn looked up at Sagittarius with teary eyes and nodded, as a pile of books suddenly came tumbling down on top of them.

Resurfacing the wave of books, Sagittarius looked at Capricorn. "You read all of this?" She asked amazed.

Capricorn nodded.

The door flung open, and in walked Taurus in a red sweat shirt, and jeans. His hair was still a bit messy and wet from his bath, and he smelled like fresh wood chopped.

Seeing them in an embrace on the floor, partially covered in books, Taurus shot them a questioning look, then snorted.

"What were you two doing?" he laughed.

Getting up, Sagittarius flung a hardcover book at him.

"Wha-ha-hat?" He said, getting hit with books all while still laughing.

Capricorn folded her arms and sent a '( - 3 -)' look up at him. She was very creative with her face today.

Taurus laughed at her face and she gave him an even harder to comprehend face.

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