Chapter 9; Questions, Answers, and Irene Adler

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Chapter 9;

(P.O. V. Winter)

Once Charlie and I climbed down from the roof, we sat on my bed, laughing at jokes we made hours ago. It was about midnight, but we hadn’t realized it was so late. I looked over at Charlie, and my stomach growled. I smiled widely at Charlie, and motioned for her to follow me.

I led the way, as we traveled down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I had suspected that both Sherlock and Uncle John would be asleep. Yet at the same time, I wasn’t surprised when I found the infamous Sherlock Holmes sitting at the desk, on his laptop.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” he asked, without looking at me.

“Well, I guess…I mean, well…” I stuttered.

What was wrong with me?

Why was I suddenly so nervous, it was just Sherlock?

Granted, he could be a total ass, and very intense sometimes, but his company grows on you.

Charlie placed a hand on my shoulder, and raised an eyebrow, asking silently if I was okay. I nodded, although on the inside, I was wondering the same thing.

“Charlie and I are going out for some food. Want anything?’ I asked, finding my voice in all the madness that was going on inside me.

“No, I’m fine thank you.” He said.

I nodded, and rushed out, with Charlie not far behind.

We called a taxi, and climbed in. we rode in silence to a diner a few blocks away. It was snowing, otherwise we would have walked. When we arrived, we sat at a booth in the back of the room, and ordered two coffees. Neither of us were very hungry anymore.

“What was that?” Charlie asked, looking at me.

“What was what?” I asked, avoiding the question.

“You know what. In there with Sherlock. He asked you a questioned and you lost your wits. You seen something, didn’t you?” She said, trying to put the pieces together.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” I stated, sipping my coffee.

“Seriously, I’m not stupid. Tell me what you saw.” She demanded.

I had infact seen something. Something that disturbed me greatly, and I wasn’t sure what to do with it.

“Alright fine. You caught me.” I said, setting my coffee cup down.

“Yea, I know. Now tell mama all the details!” she said, laughing

“Well, you remember me telling you about Irene Adler, right?” I asked.

“Yea, the crazy sex model women who got Sherlock caught up in her web so she could use him for her own gain to help some criminal master mind. The one that Molly says in the only women who broke through the walls of Sherlock Holmes?” Charlie said.

‘Yea, her. Well, when we walked into the room, I seen that Sherlock was researching her.” I said.

“So? You said that Mycroft sent him on a wild goose chase to find her and bring her in. I’m sure he was just doing his job.” She said.

“No, its more then that. She’s not just the women, in this case. Not any more. She is THE women.” I said, sitting back.

“Winter, I know you care a lot about Sherlock, but you cant keep worring about this. He is either going to fall back in love with Irene Adler, or he isn’t. But that’s not your problem. What Sherlock does is his own fault.” Charlie said.

Yes, Charlie the Wise has spoken.

“What if he never fell out of love with her?” I asked.

“Like I said, not your problem. You cant control Sherlock. But you can control yourself. Focus on school, and your writing. It’ll be better for you in the end.” She said.

“I guess your right.” I said.

“Of course I am.” She smirked.

“We better head back, its nearly one. Uncle John will freak if were not home. I cant afford to make him lose his wits again, I swear I’m going to be the cause of his heart attack.” I said.

We arrived back at the flat, and Sherlock was still awake, typing away at his computer. When he heard us come in, he looked up at me, and I knew that something was wrong.

“Charlie, why don’t you go head upstairs, I’ll be up in a minute I have to take care of something first.” I said, walking over to where Sherlock was sitting.

Once I heard the sound of my bedroom door shut, I knew Charlie was gone completely.

“What did you see?” Sherlock asked, rising from his chair.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, putting my coat on the hook behind the door.

“Winter, remember who your talking to. I am the worlds only-“

“Yes, I know.” I said, holding up my hand to stop him.

Sherlock walked towards me, his face blank.

Sherlock has told me before that he has divorced himself from his feelings. I questioned inside weather or not that was truly possible because they are so rooted within the human nature, but then again I sometimes questioned whether or not Sherlock was human.

“What did you see?” he asked again, this time his voice was low, and I could feel his breathe on my neck because of our close proximity.

Clearly he has never heard of personal space.

“Why do you care?” I questioned, looking up, staring deep into his blue eyes.

“Because what I was doing was very classified, and the last thing I need is for you to go snooping around for answers.” He said, looking down at me.

“Snooping? Glad you have such faith in my Sherlock. How do you know I wont come and just ask you for the answers?” I said, crossing my arms.

“Because you wouldn’t want me to find out you know what you know.” He said.

“Sorry to say this, but I’m not that kind of person. Besides, its not like you would answer my questions about what I saw. And you know what? I don’t care anymore. If your so curious about what I saw, then fine, I’ll tell you! I seen that you were researching Irene Adler. Okay, there. Was that really such a big deal?” I said, trying to control my anger so I wouldn’t yell.

“Why are you so curious about Irene Adler? You’ve asked about her before, and after the scene you caused at Mycroft’s only made me more curious.” He said.

“Because i-“ I stopped myself, in sudden realization of what I was about to say.

“You what?” he asked, staring at me intensely.

“Nothing, really. I’m just curious is all. Why did you fall in love with her?” I asked, then once I seen the emotion of hurt flash through Sherlock’s eyes, I wanted to take it back.

Sherlock may not like to admit it, but he still has some feelings.

“Sherlock, Im sorry I, shouldn’t have said that.” I said.

“No its fine. I’ve divorced myself from my feelings, besides I didn’t fall in love with Irene Adler. It was all a game.” He said, mumbling the last bit.

“Well, Well, looks like you’ve found a replacement for me after all, Mr. Holmes.” A voice as smooth as satin said from behind me.

I turned,  and seen a face that has been haunting my dreams since I heard her name.

Irene Adler.

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