Chapter 12; Attack of Irene

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Chapter 12;

It had been a few week, but all my wounds had finally healed. There was a rather nasty looking scar on my stomach, but that was all that was left.

Jake and Rolf had disappeared after the beating, and I was happy to be free of them.

Charlie and Molly visited me on a daily bases until I was able to return to school.

We only had about two months left, before second term ended.

Irene has been staying with us still, and honestly I was afraid that she had pretty much moved in. Although, I was lucky enough to know that Mrs. Hudson also had a distaste for Irene. It was quite amusing.

Sherlock on the other hand was totally consumed by figuring out Moriarty’s plans to be bothered with anything. He hardly sleeps, or eats. Normally he paces the living room, or his bedroom, retreating to his ‘Mind Palace.’ Occasionally he would drink a cup of coffee, but that would be about all.

Uncle John remained the same. Going to his shifts at the hospital, and sometimes out on a date with his new girlfriend, who’s a teacher. He was a bit nervous about me returning to Uni, and insisted that I get a cab or a ride from Molly, but that soon  wore off.

I still don’t know how Irene managed to know the things she did, but I was sure that she had her ways.

Perhaps Moriarty was helping her out?

I wasn’t even sure, so I didn’t let it bother me to much.

Currently, I was just entering 221B,  when I heard the sound of shattered glass. Worried, I raced up the stairs, and into the living room of the flat.

Where I found a angry looking Sherlock, and a scary looking Irene.

Uncle John was no where in sight.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked.

There was a broken vase in front of the fireplace, next to where Irene was standing.

Clearly the sound I heard was her fault.

“Nothing, Winter. Go to your room.” Sherlock said, stern fully.

That’s when I noticed the huge red mark on Sherlock’s right cheek.

She had slapped him…but why?

I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t a child, and I could take care of myself, but I kept my mouth shut. It seemed that Irene was causing him enough stress already, on top of his Moriarty obsession.

I simply nodded, and began to head to the stairs.

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