Chapter 19; This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race

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Here is Chapter 19, of WLB!

Mainly a filler chapter, but I do have some very important questions for you guys in this little authors note here!

To start with, I've been debating weather or not to put Winter and Sherlock together. When I had originally thought up the story, that was the general idea. But since I have been writing it, and posting it on here, its taken a different turn.

So I want to know what you all think.

If you want them together, or if you don't, let me know in the comments please! Seriously it will be the biggest help ever.

The reason I'm asking is because I don't want to loose readers if I put them together, or if I don't.

Also, I had the idea, of ending this book at the end of The Reichenbach Fall, and starting a second book for my twist on season 3. Does that sound okay?

Please let me know!

Finally, the song in this (Which is on the side) is Evanescence version of Sally's Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas, so no, my character didn't write it.


Chapter 19;

(P.O.V. Third Person)

Sherlock sat in his leather chair, his mind buried deep in the corridors of his Mind Palace. On the outside, Sherlock looked as though he could have been a statue, with his hands folded in a praying manner, and his body so still it didn’t even look like he was breathing.

On the inside, he was reviewing everything that had happened in these past two and a half months.

Moriarty’s silence, court case, and visit, were only the beginning of what was bothering him.

But there was something else, as well.

Sherlock wasn’t sure why, or how, but a young girl by the name of Winter Watson began to interrupted his thought pattern.

When deep in thought, so deep that even the slightest distraction would make him loose the puzzle pieces he’d managed to dig up, an image of Winter would suddenly appear, and break the stream.

Then Sherlock would have to start all over.

Sherlock found him self almost desperate for her presents, here at Baker Street.

And, even though he would never willingly admit it, he feared that not having her around the flat was starting to become a problem.

Sherlock was beginning to have sentimental feelings towards Miss. Winter.

And honestly, it was destroying him.

Sherlock couldn’t figure out how he could have let this happen, not after Irene Adler.

And with Moriarty on the loose, Baker Street was no place for delicate young Winter.

Sherlock closed his eyes once again, and began to bury himself in his Mind Palace, focusing on Moriarty’s schemes.

Until an image of Winter made his train of thought scatter.

Sherlock’s eyes flew open, and he groaned, rubbing his temple.

He scanned the room, when he noticed Winter’s bag.

He remembered her leaving it here the morning of the court case.

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