Chapter 2; Day With Sherlock

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Chapter 2;

"You're not the only person who gets bored, you know." I said, suddenly.

Sherlock and I were currently sitting in a cab, on the way to the mall. It had been  rather silent, because of the lack of conversation. But I didn't like the silence, it was far to awkward.

So I was making conversation.

"Do you know why John wanted me to take you shopping? He said it was because I couldnt read you. He said that I was going to have to get to know you, just like everyone else." Sherlock said.

"That bothers you, doesn't it?" I asked.

"What? No, of course not." Sherlock said, crossing his arms.

"Yes, it does. You don't like feeling like your average. You don't like being plain, because your not. Far from actually. But when your forced to be like everyone else, it bothers you." I said.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, turning to look at me.

Finally, we had reached out destination.

"Because otherwise you wouldn't be pouting like a three year old." I said, before climbing out of the cab.

I walked down the pavement, heading into the mall. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps behind me, before someone grabbed my shoulder. I jumped, and turned, seeing it was Sherlock.

"What do you mean pouting?" he said.

I smiled, and shook my head.

"Figure it out, you're the genius." I said, smiling.

"I'll never understand you Americans." He muttered, walking beside me.

We walked into the mall, and I stopped.

There were so many people.

Great, just perfect. Here I am, with a man I barely even know. In a foreign city, with different people, and I'm about to have an anxiety attack!

I felt my hands begin to shake, as I look around at the massive crowd of people.

"Winter? Are you alright?" I heard Sherlock ask, although his voice sounded faint.

I turned to look at him, finding myself yet again lost in his eyes.

Suddenly I was pulled back into reality, when Sherlock grabbed my wrist, and dragged me back outside.

"Now, there is something your not telling me." He said.

"i-I just...I don't like crowds." I said.

Sherlock crossed his arms, standing up perfectly straight.

"Oh my, this is going to take longer then planned." He muttered.

"But I think I'll be alright. Can we get this over with?' I asked.

He nodded, before following me back inside. I kept my head down, not looking at the huge cluster of people.

We went to the first store, and before I could even begin to roam about, Sherlock was already complaining.

Uncle John, what have you gotten me into.

Finally, by the third store, I thought of a conversation starter to shut up Sherlock's complaints.

"You know, my uncle said you're the worlds only Consulting Detective." I said.

Sherlock stopped, and looked at me.

"Did he now? What else did he say?" he asked.

"Well, he said that you were good at reading people. He said that you were some what a genius. Oh and that you are good at offending people with the truth." I said, smirking.

"I see." He said.

"I would ask if he told you about me. But judging by the fact that earlier you told him that you don't listen to him, you probably didn't hear." I said, as we walked along.

After about 5 more stores, we had finally completed our mission. We left the mall, and called  a cab.

We headed back to the flat, in yet another silence.

But it didn't last long.

"So, Winter, you seem to know so much about me, but I don't anything about you." Sherlock said, awkwardly.

"Well, there isn't anything special about me. I'm no Sherlock Holmes. I'm rather plain. I love music, writing, and reading. I'm very eager to learn anything new, and quite enjoy puzzles as well. I don't have any friends, because they all turned there backs on me. Never had a boyfriend. But I don't really mind, I like being alone. It kind of like my own protection. Cant get hurt if its just me." I said, looking out the window, although I feel Sherlock's eyes on me.

That was the end of the conversation.

Once arriving I went straight up to my room. I put my clothes away, and then changed into some comfy sweatpants, and my Zelda t-shirt. i took off my shoes, but left my socks on, so my feet don't get cold.

I pulled out my laptop, and sat on my bed.

About an hour later, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I muttered.

Uncle John popped his head threw, and smiled before completely entering the room. He sat on my desk chair, and turned to face me.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked.

"I suppose. Despite Sherlock's complaining, and the fact that I almost had an anxiety attack right in front of him. That would have been embarrassing. I got a few new outfits. One I even let Sherlock help me on." I said, smiling.

"Oh my, what did he decide on?" uncle asked.

"Trench coat and scarf, naturally." I said.

Uncle John chuckled.

"Now you and Sherlock match?" he said.

"Yea, in a way. Only Sherlock's scarf is blue, mine is purple. I quite like it, actually." I admitted.

"Well, its late. You'd better get to sleep, we've got an early start tomorrow." Uncle john said.

"We do? Where are we going?" I asked.

"Now, now, that's for tomorrow! No ruining the surprise now, John." Sherlock said entering the room.

"Alright fine. Good night uncle John." I said, as my uncle kissed my forehead wishing me good night, before leaving the room.

Sherlock turned to go as well.

"Goodnight, Sherlock. And thank you." I said, watching him.

He paused, and turned towards me. He looked a bit shocked.

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked.

"Well, you hardly know me, and you put up with me for a whole day to take me shopping in a place packed with ignorant people." I said, remembering how uncle told me Sherlock hated ignorance.

Sherlock smiled.

"My dear, the city is full of ignorant people. Good night." Sherlock said, before leaving the room, softly shutting the door behind him.

I felt my eyes get heavy, and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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