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Sarah POV.

"Hey Sarah, it's Dan. I really need to see you." He sounded so broken.

"Dan! Where are you?" I began to worry.

"I-I don't know..."

"Tell me what you see."

"I see a Primark. And there's a park right across the street.. I think the street is called Willowdale... I forgot my glasses. I can't see."

"I will be there soon. Please don't leave okay?"

"Okay." He pauses. I can only hear breathing from the other end.


"Sarah... Can you stay with me on the phone until you get here?"


"Thank you."

I found the address where I thought Dan was. Thankfully it was only walking distance from my house. I grabbed my jacket and bolted through the door.

"Dan are you still there?" I asked in between breaths.

"Yes... Are you running?"

"Yeah..." I exhaled.

I heard faint laughter from the phone.

"Sarah you're too much... Thank you for doing this for me... You honestly didn't have to. You're busy and all-"

"Dan, I'm doing this because I want to help you. You're my friend!"

"How is it possible that I've met you only yesterday and it feels like I could spill my entire life to you?"

I smiled. I saw him across the street. He looked like a lost puppy. He held the phone tightly to his ear afraid of letting go. I hung up and watched as his face fell untill he saw me across the street and gave me a weak smile. I ran up to him and hugged him. He didn't let go. He just hugged me tighter. We stood like that for about 10 minutes. We didn't talk. He rested his chin on my head and I snuggled into his chest. For once I felt safe. I didn't want to let go.

"Want to go to my flat? Talk about it? Maybe watch a film or something?" I mumbled into his chest.

He finally let go and nodded rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his hoddie.

"I'm sorry for all of this."

"Don't worry. It's good to cry sometimes."

We spent the walk to my place in comfortable silence. I didn't even notice that Dan was holding my hand the entire time we walked home. He was humming something under his breath.

As we aproched my flat, I fumbled with my keys and opened the door. I invited Dan in, and his eyes automatically landed on my book case. the middle three shelves were filled with different films. A few books were scattered here and there. Dan picked up my collectors eddition of the Secret History of Twin Peaks and chuckled to himself.

"Hey! Don't make fun of me!" I snached the book from his hands.

"I'm a fan myself don't worry." He eyed my film collection picking up a few movie figurines. "It's funny. Because you like the same things I do."

"Yeah? Well I bet you wouldn't like Donnie Darko."

"Are you kidding me? I love that film?" He smiled.

"Have you seen Nocturnal Animals yet?"

"No what is it?"

"A new Tom Ford film. I heard it's very good. Looks like something we both would enjoy. It's still in theaters if you want to go watch it."

"Sure let's go. I can check the showtimes"

"Alright. I'll go make some tea. Would you like some?"

"Yes please."

"How would you like it?"

"However you like it. Because I swear to god Sarah, we are the same person."

I laughed at his comment and went into the kitchen. I turned on the kettle and checked my phone to find a message from James.

It read: "Look at this! I found him!" Above was an attachment of a picture a fan took at the Bastille concert where Dan held my hand. The way the light gleamed it looked like Dan's arm was glowing green.

"In my dreams."  I texted back."It's just the stage lights."

Then it hit me all at once. Dan fucking Smith was in my living room. The man who my best friend wrote fanfiction about. The man who millions of girls were in love with, sat tear stained and broken on my Ikea couch. I was going to the movies with someone famous tonight, but to me it felt like I was hanging out with someone I knew for years. I grabbed the two cups of tea and entered the living room. Dan stood in front of the TV facing the window singing into his phone.

"They lie together, oh

Oil on water

And they lie upon her, oh

Someone's daughter"

"Is that a line from my script?" I chuckled. He dropped his phone startled.

"Oh yeah... sorry.."

"Don't worry. Thank you for reading it. Hope it wasn't too bad."

"I thought it was amazing!"

"I'm glad." I handed him his cup of tea.

"Thank you Sar. You're honestly the best!"

"You're so excited over tea." I laughed at him.

"No one ever made me tea before."

"That's hard to believe."

"Well those are the perks of living alone."

We both sat down on the couch.

"We're currently working on a new album. Thinking of including that Perry Smith song in it too. Your script really inspired me to write again."

"Are you planning on finishing that oil on water song? I think it sounds amazing so far."

"You think? Then maybe..."

"You should!"

We sat on the couch for a bit, sipping our tea in a comfortable silence.

"Dan, please answer this truthfully. Are you sure you're alright?"

He paused, sipped his tea and answered with a simple "No."

"Want to talk about it?"

"It's just I feel like everyone has it so easy and I will be alone forever. I've waited to meet my soulmate my entire life, and now I just feel like that opportunity is gone now. It feels like a death of a friend. But in this case, I never met the friend. I'm just so alone. So empty."

"Dan, you're not alone. You have me. You have your band!"

"That's true... I have you. And that's all that matters." He gave me a weak smile before finishing his tea. "The movie is at 5. Are you ready to head out?"

"Let's go then."

We left the apartment and my hand found home inside his palm. I wondered if it was possible to fall in love with someone who was not your soulmate.

In Time - [Dan Smith: Bastille]Where stories live. Discover now