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Sarah POV.

"...And the couch scene?? That broke my heart!!" Dan gripped my hand tight as he talked about the film we just watched.

"Did you notice it was the same couch they used in the beginning of the film?" I asked.

"Woah I didn't notice that!" He gasped. I smiled at his enthusiasm for the film.

"Why are you smiling?"

"You just look so funny when you're excited over something." I laughed.


"Your eyes just light up and it's the most amazing thing. Don't worry it's cute!" I pinched his cheek and he just laughed at me. "Want to go back to my place?"

"I was thinking of grabbing a few drinks first." He smirked. I wanted to melt.

"Where to?"

"There's this pub I know. It's only a few blocks away from this theatre. It will take us 10 minutes to walk there."

"Lead the way!"

One thing led to another and we were soon a giggling mess. Dan drank much more than I did. My tolerance is not that high, so I got drunk pretty quick. Soon me and Dan were tumbling out of the bar laughing at each other. A girl who was about 15 years old ran up to is. Dan tried his best to pretend to be sober, failing miserably.

"Are you Dan Smith?" The girl squeaked as she approached us.

"I'm not. He is." I pocked Dan's arm playfully, he burst into laughter. 

"I am the Dan Smith!" He gave the girl his brightest smile. The smile I slowly fell for.

"Can I get a picture with you?" she asked.

"I don't see why not." Dan slurred. "Sar, you mind taking the picture?"

"Yeah no problem." The girl handed me her phone and I quickly snapped a picture of the two of them. I gave the phone back to the girl.

"Thank you so much. Are you guys soulmates?" She asked.

"No, we're just really close friends." I smiled at her.

"Sorry for being nosey. Thank you once again!" The girl politely waved at us as she walked away.

"Back to my place?" I asked. Dan just stared at me with his drunk tired eyes and nodded.

When we got home I looked through my vinyl collection, putting on the Fugees.

"I love that record!" Dan shouted as he started jumping. I joined him and soon we were laughing and dancing all around my living room. He grabbed my arms twirling me. My face hurt from smiling.

"Sarah, I hate you!" He shouted smiling at me with his dark blue eyes.

"And why is that Dan?" I rested my arms on his shoulders as we swayed to the music.

"I really, really hate you." He slurred. His voice suddenly deeper.

I looked at him in confusion. Trying to decipher him. "Dan what are you-"

He held me tighter and leaned towards my ear "I hate how much you mean to me. It's driving me insane."

He was holding me so close. I could hear his heartbeat.

"Sarah, you truly understand me. I feel like I can only be myself with you around."

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I kissed him. He didn't back away he just deepened the kiss. I lead him into my bedroom and he threw me on the bed proceeding to kiss me. My hands tightly gripped his hair as he sent soft kisses down my neck. We were too drunk to do anything else, so I soon fell asleep  snuggled in his chest.

I woke up a little disoriented. My head felt like I was hit my a train. I looked to the side and saw Dan sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled and got up trying not to wake him. He was still wearing his jacked from last night and so was I. We were both a mess. I headed into the kitchen deciding to make myself some morning tea. I heard a knock on the door. Checking the time I realized it was already 3 p.m. and I promised Julia that I will hang out with her today. I opened the front door to reveal my smiling best friend. Her smile fell when she saw my smeared lipstick and knotted hair.

"Come in." I grumbled.

"Someone had a rough morning." She laughed.


We walked into the kitchen making some tea for the two of us. 

"How have you been holding up? Still looking for him?"

"Nah, I gave up." I mumbled.

"I've heard that sometimes timers re-set."

"Mhmm..." I didn't want my timer to re-set. I just wanted to be with him.

"Sarah, did you sleep in your jacket?"

"I got home late. Was too lazy to change."

"I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, I'm better than I've ever been." I smiled. Soon a figure appeared in the doorframe. His hair messy. His bomber jacket still on.

"Sarah, do you have painkillers by any chance?" Dan walked into the kitchen rubbing his forehead. Julia started screaming.


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