RobertIdk x Youtuber!Reader: You watch me?

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(Y/yt/c) = Your Youtube channel

I groan and drag myself out of bed. Its 3:30 am and my flight leaves at 5. I run my hands through my hair and start to regret not packing the night before. I grab random pairs of pants and random shits and shove them into my suitcase. I quickly get dressed into jean and my Overwatch t-shirt. I grab my back pack and shove all my cords and my laptop in there. I look over at my clock and it reads 4:15. I grab my bags and rush to the taxi outside.

"Sorry for keeping you so long."

"Its no problem miss."

The drive sets off towards the airport. My phone buzzes in my hand. I open up my phone and see that jack texted me through skype.

J: Hi!!!!!!

Y: Hey jack :)

J: Are you ready for Pax Prime?!?!?

Y: Hell yeah!!! I cant wait to see you and Signe.

J:We cant wait to see you either. I got to go now though, getting ready to board. Good luck with your flight!!

Y: You too jackaboy and see you soon!

I look up from my phone to see us pulling into the airport. "Wow that was fast."
The driver pulls up to the front and turns around to look at me.
"I have my ways." He says and playfully winks at me. I climb out of the car and pay the driver. I make my way through the airport and board my plane. I sit down in a seat and pull out my phone. I put it on airplane mode before we take off. I go to put in my headphones when someone taps on my shoulder. I look over and theres a teenage boy sitting next to me. He had a big smile across his face.

" Are you (Y/yt/c)?" He has with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Uh yea I am." I say smiling back at him.

"Oh my gosh , I can't believe I am actually on the same plane as you. I was actually going to pax prime to see you!!"

"Aww really?" I say still smiling.

"Yea! Uhm do you think we could take a picture."

"Yes of course. "

I lean over a little bit and we take a couple pictures. After hes done he runs his hands through his hair. " Man this is just so cool,"

I chuckle a little, " Well its nice to finally meet one of you guys."

"Wait are you saying I am the first fan you've ever met?" I nod my head and his smile grows more. He pulls out his phone and starts texting rapidly. I grab my headphones and put one in and play my music. After a while the boy taps me on the shoulder again.

"Are you going to meet any other youtubers."

"Well yea, I am gonna meet up with Signe and Jack. I actually really hope I get to meet Robert."

"Who is Robert?" He asks

"You don't know who RobertIdk is??" I ask , stunned.

"Nope, I've never heard of him."

"You have to look him up okay. He is amazing."

"Okay I'll go ahead and do that now."

I nod and put my other headphone in. I lay my head back and watch out the window. After a few hours we land. I get off the plane as quick as possible and go to pick up my baggage. I take my phone off airplane mode and check my messages. I had a text from jack saying that they were already at our hotel. I grabbed a cab and told the cab driver what hotel I was staying at. It took us a while to get there because the traffic was crazy. I entered the hotel and got my key. I went to my room and threw my bags on the bed. It was actually a pretty nice hotel. There was WiFi that I connected to as soon as I sat down and a little candy snack bar in the room. Once I was connected to the wifi I texted jack telling him my room number, a few seconds later there was a knock on my door. I let Jack and Signe in and they both gave me a hug.

Jacksepticeye /Markiplier /Crankgameplays x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now