OG Chan x Reader ~ Cranky Sister

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You are Ethan's little sister and you have a giant crush on your big brother best friend. You love G's videos and your brother takes you to pax south with him

"Ethan!" I yell as I run down the stairs.

"What?" He asks as I walk into the kitchen.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?"

"Uh of course but you seem even more excited than me."

"Well you're not the only one who is friends with G and Brian."

"True but they were my friends first."

"Yea well they both agree that I'm the better twin" I say sticking out my tongue

"Oh no I am definitely the better twin." Ethan says and playfully hits me. I chuckled and hop onto the counter.

"Sure.... So have you and Markimoo finished recording videos for your channel?" 

"Yea just barely, we wouldn't have finished if it wasn't for Amy and Katherine. What about you, did you get enough videos made for your channel?" He asks me

"Of course I did and a couple of them even have Amy , Mark , Katherine and Tyler in them." I say smiling

"When did you manage to do that? I'm with you guys like all the time."

"We did it when we sent you out to get food and props."

"Rude, I could've helped you guys record." He says fake pouting

"Sorry bub, maybe next time."

"Yea well we should probably get to bed, we have to get up super early."

"Yea true, " I hop off the counter and head back up the stairs "I'll see you in the morning, sweet dreams!" 

"Sweet dreams sis." He says

~Time Skip to early morning~

I groan as my phone starts blaring my alarm. I slowly reach my arm over and turn it off. I sit up and wrap the blanket around me. I make my way to my bathroom and brush my hair. I grab the clothes I set out and put them on. I put on just a little bit of makeup and go over to Ethan's room to wake him if he isn't already. I knock on the door and hear no response. I burst into his room and jump onto his bed careful not to accidentally jump on him. I start jumping on his bed and yell 


He groans and covers his head. "Five more minutes."

"No not five more minutes, I let you sleep in so you have to get up now."

He groans again and sits up. "Fiine, but get out so I can changee." 

"Okay , I'll make us some quick breakfast."

He nods his head and shoos me out of the room. I jog downstairs and make some eggs and bacon while Ethan get ready. When he gets down stairs we eat quickly and get into the taxi waiting outside. We arrive at the airport quickly because we didn't live far from it. We are one of the last people to board the plane because Ethan took forever to get ready. We sit down in out seats and pull out our phones. I text Brian and G that we are getting ready to take off and Ethan starts tweeting . Brian wishes us good luck on the flight and G warns me about airplane food. I giggle a bit when G texts me and Ethan looks over a me.

"Oohh (y/n) is giggling, I wonder who she's texting."

"Pff no one." I say and quickly lock my phone. 

"Mhmm sure , whatever you say."

I pull out my laptop and start photo shopping and messing around. I first photo shop Mark and Amy together to make a Amyplier baby. I giggle to myself because it looked so weird. After a while of photo shopping I get into my word documents and start writing some more stories. I wrote about 8 chapters of my fan fiction  and then we landed. I put away my laptop and pull out my phone. I turn it on and check my messages. I have one from G telling me his room number so me and Ethan can come over and visit him once we got set up in our room. When we arrive at the hotel we lay our suit cases on our beds and plug in our almost dead laptops . Ethan decides to stay in the room and scroll though his twitter while I go and get G. I take the elevator down and walk over to G's room. I knock on his door and he opens it almost immediately. 

Jacksepticeye /Markiplier /Crankgameplays x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now